One shot

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Godt was sketching with his sister watching from the side. When he was drawing, he was always into it and it was amusing; until the pencil broke and he hissed.
He started again but the pencil broke again and he sighed. He threw the sketch and the pencil on the table in annoyance.

Godt covered his face with both hands while his sister was still examining him very carefully.
"He is only two years older than me"

Godt stayed still.

"What if suddenly a boy approaches me and wants to talk about marriage and all"

Godt rolled his eyes "It's not like I am proposing him."

He finally turned to look at his sister. Plastering a weary look all over his face.

"It's just the same. I mean, for him it must be a new thing, P. I don't know... Maybe, you should take it slowly..."

He thought of it too, he knew she was right but his ego or probably his insecurity was way too bigger. He checked his Twitter and saw something. Carelessly pushed retweet button.

'Two types of me:
1. I give up
2. Nah, I am just kidding'

And he threw his phone to the couch, off to his room, playing with Munich.

"I will throw your phone outside if you won't answer it, P."

"What?" He poked out his head from his room.

Kate lazily held out Godt's phone "It keeps buzzing."
Godt made a small run to the couch and unlocked his phone.
10 messages from BB was shown on his phonescreen.

He blinked a few times, a smile crept on his face. The last time they talked was two days ago.

He clicked open the messages one by one





Godt recited the message 'sorry'

Then he read another five more messages

-Are you going to let me go without even seeing me?-

-Even if it's for the last time?"-

-I know P is still upset, but...I am sad too-

-I don't want to end it like this-

He felt a tingling pain inside his chest. Godt took a deep breath and exhaled before reading the last message.

-I love you like I do-

He suddenly felt butterflies, dragonflies, and all sort of bugs in his stomach. Never he imagined that a 19 years old boy could do so much to his heart. He smiled and dialed the number on the top of the message.

"Where are you now?" That was the first sentence Godt blurted out as soon as Bas answered the call

"Neko Salmon, P." Godt could hear how nervous Bas was just by that simple word and he could feel his heart was beating faster too. "P?" He heard Bas spoke again. "Bas is sorry na..."

"I will be there in 20 mins." Godt cut Bas immediately and hang up the call.

Bas was finishing his dinner at Neko Salmon but his mind was off somewhere, expecting his P will come in a second. That was the most torturing twenty minutes in his entire life. His friend eyed him teasingly.

"It feels like you're waiting for your groom"

Bas usually glared at his friend's antic but this time he was too nervous to care.

The door bell jingled, a sign that someone was entering. Dressed in black top and white cap, God walked towards the table where Bas was; and looked a bit flustered. He followed God's direction and saw God gave greetings to everyone, halted next to Bas' table and reached his hand

"Let's go" while intertwining their fingers and pulling Bas on his heels

He didn't let go Bas' fingers until they reached Godt's car and he opened the door for Bas

Godt got in the car and started the engine. They stayed silent for a while, moulding words over words in their minds so it wouldn't be out misinterpreted.

The car stopped near a quiet park.
For thirty seconds, no one said a word, until...

"I am sorry" both of them said at the same time.

"No it's my fault, P." Bas said

"It's P's fault" Then he continued "too"

Bas looked at Godt who was looking at him in the eye.

"P sometimes forget that you are still 18" he sighed "It's because P feels like P have known Bas for my entire life and P want to know Bas more and more. P want to get close to your family and friends, P want to be part of your life too like P want Bas to be part of P's life too"

He moved his hand to touch Bas' cheek who was about to breakdown in tears in a second. His palm was warm on Bas' cheek that Bas close his eyes enjoying the touch he missed for two days at the same time dropped the first tear on his cheek. Godt wiped it off with his thumb ever so gently.

"I am sorry. P will wait. From now on P will let Bas set the pace. P will wait till Bas is ready and we'll fight the world together"

Godt moved closer and planted a kiss on Bas forehead which earned him a tight embrace from the crying baby.

"I always love P'Godt" He said while burying his face on Godt's chest.

"I love you too Uan" God whispered and showered kisses on top of Bas' head

A few hours later, Godt and Bas arrived at Bas' house and met Oh, his manager who was waiting, their flight would be in three hours but Oh didn't show any sign that he was mad, on the contrary, he smiled knowingly.

"Take out your suitcase, son" Oh said to Bas while patting Godt's shoulder as if he knew what just happened.

Godt followed Bas taking the stairs to his room. All Bas' stuffs for HongKong trip has been packed in a suitcase. Godt took it and brought the suitcase downstairs while Bas changing his pants.

Godt helped Oh stuffing all their belongings inside the car. When Godt closed the back door, Oh suddenly said "His family is very warm. It's just a matter of time, Nong" He smiled reassuringly.

"Thank you P. I'll work harder and prove them."

Bas appeared from the front door of the apartment, he was a bit sulking...Godt knew why. The baby just couldn't be separated with him even for just three days.
Oh looked at them and smiled "I'll be waiting in the car, guys"

"It will be only three days..." Godt said ruffling Bas' already messy hair.
Bas was still sulking

"P will call Bas five times a day."
Bas smiled a little "And text Bas every five seconds"
Bas chuckled.

"Don't be a bad boy in HK na?" Godt said while touching the tip of Bas' nose.

Bas' cheeks reddened by the gesture, he was always shy whenever Godt did this kind of sweet little action.

"P should say it to yourself. You are the casanova here."

Godt still looked at him smiling, if only he could accompany Bas there too... Then God took his white cap off and put it on Bas' head instead.

"Eh?" Bas looked up and touched the cap.

"Wear this, so you'll feel that P is always around."

Bas smiled from ear to ear and gave a hug to the taller boy.
"See you in three days P."

"See you." God opened the car door for Bas and let him get in.

"Su su na, baby"


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