chapter 3: a safe place.

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Vince pov;


Oh my god why is he here? What is my boss doing here in this part of town? I sighed and looked up, turning my head slightly to see him

"Hey.. what's up?"

"I just saw you in the park and I may or may not have followed you. Sorry if you wanna be alone."

"Oh, no it's fine."

"Wanna talk? I know I'm your boss but I just wanna make sure your ok. You seemed pretty sad."

"Well, I just found out my mom died.. but I'll be ok. I knew this day was gonna come I just didn't expect it to be so soon. Or to happen the way it did.."

"Well, just know that you don't have to start this week if you don't want to. I can give you till next Wednesday if that's what you want."

"No, no. This job will help me clear my head. It gives me something else to concentrate on.. And right now I'm pretty tight on- oh wait. No I'm not.."

"Well, i'll leave you be, I've got get back to my family."

And just like that i was left alone again. I sighed and closed my eyes again, relaxing under the tree. I sighed, getting up and walking back to the Lamborghini. I hopped in and started the car. I spotted my new boss walking up to the car and looking at me bewildered. I rolled down the window as he bent down, looking at me

"This is your car?"

"Yeah.. it was my mom's.."

"Oh. I like it.  Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Please be safe."

"I will. See you tomorrow sir."

I rolled up the window as he backed away and I pulled away from the curb. I sighed as i drove, rolling down the Windows and letting the sound of the wind fill my ears. I arrived at the house about 20 minutes later, pulling into the garage and closing the door after shutting the car off. When I walked back into the house I saw kai sitting on the couch.

"Hey, it looks a lot better in here now. Thanks for cleaning."

"Meh it was no prob, I needed something to do anyway. Anyway I'm going to head home. The moving company said they would be here tomorrow with your stuff. Ill see you later ok? Call me if you need anything please."

I smiled at kai and I waved at her through the window. Well.. now I was all alone in a huge house by myself. Time to get high.

I smiled as I walked up to my old room and pulled out a panel to the floor and their sat my favourite thing in the world. The weed was old, but my bong was in perfect condition.

It was a blue and clear swirl glass, and had a big base. I grabbed it and put water in it, I packed the bowl and grabbed a torch lighter. I lit the bowl and hit it, pulling the slide out after the bong got milky. After about 6 hits I completely forgot that anything had happened and I was laughing at nothing. I set the bong down on my dresser and went to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water. I chugged the water, because I usually had really bad cotton mouth. After I chugged the bottle I threw it in the garbage can and walked back out to the living room. I sat on the couch and before I knew it I was waking up to the T.V. playing.

I checked the time, seeing it was just past midnight. Ugh.. I need to sleep. I got off the couch and shut the T.V. off. I walked up the stairs and to one of the rooms. I didn't want to sleep in my room, because my bed was too small for me. It had always been too small for me. I'm not even that tall, but somehow I found it difficult to fit on the full sized mattress. I laid down on the guest bed, which was weirdly a king sized bed. I pulled my phone out and set an alarm for 5:30 a.m. Look at me crazy all you want, I wake up early to get a shower and wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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