Private Jet

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I woke with haste the next morning. By “early”, Joe had met 4AM. Normally I hated waking up before ten AM, but today was different. It was like a dream. The Dream Match Invitationals. So exclusive, coveted by anyone who owned a 69 GTO, 92 Supra, 90 Camaro, 87 Firebird or '13 S331. Joe had received his first invite at 16 when Toyota recommended him for the Supra Vs Audi 850 horsepower All Wheel Drive Runoff. It was his first ever race, but he drove flawlessly and it ended up putting him on the Class S World Tour. I hoped we'd have similar luck.

Shelby was curled against my stomach with her ears limp against her head and her tail wound tightly around mine. I smiled at my mate's affection and licked her head to wake her. She woke with a soft yawn, smiling when she saw me.

“Morning my boy”, she said returning my lick.

“Good Morning to you too”, I replied through my purr.

“Why so early though?”, she asked.

“Joe said to be at the airport by 4:30”, I replied sliding out of bed, “DJ's probably waking everyone else up now.”

“I was never an early riser”, Shelby said yawning and stretching out.

“Me neither”, I said, “has to do with us changing species I'm sure. I read in biology class once that mutants have less energy than everyone else.”

“Well I wouldn't go so far as to say were mutated”, Shelby said.

“Neither would I”, Tess said appearing in the doorway.

“There's this great new thing called knocking”, Shelby said sarcasticly, “maybe you should try it someday.”

“Very funny”, Tess said rolling her eyes a bit, “you got DJ waking everyone up Seth?”

“Nope”, I said, “I was unaware of her activities, but I was very sure she was, that girl is simply incapable of sitting still.”

“I agree”, Tristan said appearing beside my sister, “she's like a Humming Bird on a sugar high.”

“You know she'd murder us if she caught us talking 'bout her behind her back right?”, I asked laughing and pulling a shirt on.

Josh laughed, “your probably right, hey Joe called, he said he's got breakfast on his plane, so don't bother stopping.”

“Okay”, I replied, “is my Dad up yet?”

“Yeah”, Tess said, “he's putting all our stuff in the Ford.”

“Let's get going then”, I said.

I grabbed my backpack and exited the hotel room. We walked down the flights of stairs and out into the parking lot. Jack and Frank were loading there stuff into the Falcon and Dad and DJ were doing some quick maintenance on the Ford. I tossed my backpack full of clothes into the Ford and climbed in as DJ shut the hood and mounted her pickup.

“Did Joe say what airport?”, Dad asked starting the truck.

“Spokane international”, I replied, “about a half an hour from here. He said he had breakfast on the plane, so don't bother stopping.”

Dad nodded and turned out of the parking lot and getting onto the freeway. I pulled out my Vita and started a game of Forza Motorsports 3. I was racing my Koeniesegg CCGT on the 128KM of Nurburgring Nordchilife. My competition, mostly LeMan's Prototypes, brought stiff lap times and good acceleration, but with a slower top speed than my Swedish Hypercar. The race started and my CCGT rolled to the starting line, reved it's engine, then took off as the game handed control over to me. The engine screaming like Raptor as it hurled my car down the track.

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