Untitled Part 1

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This is a songfic It's my first one so I would like if you give me some constructive criticism also the avengers are back together and Infinity war and Endgame didn't happen. Play the music when this I>I>I> appears.

3 person POV

peter had a rough day he really wanted to ask MJ out but he didn't know how and was stressed out because of school (it wasn't difficult in fact much of the things he learned were really easy but) it was a lot adding Spider-Manning and working with tony, for the record he love working with Tony but it was just too much, but now it was night and he couldn't sleep after some failed attempts he start wanting to sing his heart out to calm himself. He search in the tower for a music room he figured that tony would have such thing then when he was about to finally give up he decide to ask FRIDAY the AI if there was a room like that.

"Hey FRI" he say in a small voice making sure nobody but FRIDAY could hear him."Yes Peter" answer the AI with some kind of fondness in her robotic voice."is there a music room or a sound proof one" he ask already scowling him self to ask such a stupid question. After a moment she answered "There is a sound proof music room not far away from you" she say he was surprised but it quickly passed being obvious that tony would have that kind of room even if he didn't play anything not that peter knew of anyway.

"do you want me to take you there" she said in a very human like robot voice.

"Yes please" after that a path of blue lights appear and peter followed them until he was in a big room full of instruments and a big stage, he quickly ran to the big piano that was at the far end of the room. He took a microphone and prepared everything, he sat in front of the piano and thought for a moment then had the perfect song he then start playing and singing. Completely unaware of the fact that he had left the door open.


It's getting late, and I
Cannot seem to find my way home tonight
Feels like I am falling down a rabbit hole
Falling for forever, wonderfully wandering alone
What would my head be like
If not for my shoulders
Or without your smile
But follow you forever
May it never leave you
To sleep in the stone, maybe
Stay lost on our way home

C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me
I'd like to believe in all the possibilities

If I should die tonight

May I first just say I'm sorry
For I, never felt like anybody
I am a man of many hats although I
Never mastered anything
But I am ten feet tall
I've never felt this tall since the fall
Nobody seems to know my name
So don't leave me and sleep all alone
Maybe stay lost on our way home

C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me

I'd like to believe in all the possibilities
C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me
I'd like to believe in all the possibilities

Try not to mistake what you have with what you hateIt could leave, it could leave, come the morningCelebrate the night

It's the fall before the climbShall we sing, shall we sing, until the morningIf I fall forward, you fall flatAnd if the sun should lift me up
Would you come back? Oh, C'mon.

He sang softly playing the keys of the piano with ease, thinking about everything all at the same at some point in the song he start hearing a sound that was instruments like but he just shrug it off, thinking about what he would do with the MJ situation, he immediately knew what he had to do... 

C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me
I'd like to believe in all the possibilities
C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me
I'd like to believe in all the possibilities
So c'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me
I'd like to believe in all the possibilities
Yeah Yeah Yeah!It's late and I, cannot seem to find my way home tonight.

He sang playing the last note just after he finish the song he whisper/yelled in his mind "That's it I'm gonna sing her a song and ask her out!" I say standing up.

"Wow kid didn't know you sang that good" a familiar voice say behind me I turn around so quickly it startled the figure now in front of me 'le gasp' I say In my head because in front of me was Iron man himself and behind him where the reunited Avengers some of them were holding a instrument.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I bothered you, guys" I say with my head down my cheeks were completely red of embarrassment. They had heard how bad I sang, and I'm sure I play terribly and...

"Bother the only thing that bothers me is the fact that you didn't told us earlier that is some sick skill peter" say Uncle Clint 

"Yeah kid, what else can you do" say Mr.Stark as a matter of factly.

"Well... I-I know almost all of the Panic! at the Disco, I also know Welcome to the black parade and Teenagers from My Chemical Romance and Bohemian rhapsody from well... queen" he said he's face was still blushing like it's life depend on it but peter was relaxing a bit now.

"Cool" Natasha Freaking Romanov said I was internally dying of excitement and fanboying but I just gave her my biggest grin.

"So... you guys can play too?" I say looking at their instruments Steeb had a Violin, Natasha was  holding drum sticks and tony had an electric guitar in his hands.

"Yep" Tony and Nat said and Steve just nod.

And after that we created a band named How To Avenge, I was the writer and singer Tony played the guitar Natasha the drums and Sam later join in with the bass.


I'm so sorry for this short and a bit cringy but I promise it will get better, this said I hope you enjoyed and till next time guys, gals, and non-binary pals peace out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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