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I woke up somewhere different than my bedroom. My left side was throbbing. I was in a hospital! I had nubbins in my nose and patches everywhere on my side.
The accident, Mom? Dad? Hunter? Kate? Michelle? Where's my family? "Nurse!"
"Mrs. Anderson, how are you feeling?"
"Fine. Where's my family?"
The nurses face fell. "We have to have a talk."
Tears started to form in my eyes.
"Where's my family?"
"Your mom and dad are gone. I am sorry for your loss."
I started crying hard.
"Where's. Hunter. Kate. and. Michelle?" I said in between sobs.
"Michelle, she's a baby correct?"
I nodded
"She didn't make it either did she?" The nurse shook her head.
"Kate? Hunter?"
"Hunter survived but paralyzed, for life. We put him in therapy to walk again, and Kate is in a coma right now, we are unable to determine if she is going to make it right now."
The nurse got up, "Oh yeah, Mrs. Anderson.. you have a visitor. Would you like to see them?"
I nodded, "Wait, nurse, who has custody of me and Hunter?"
"Jane Anderson. Your grandma." I nodded again. As the nurse left a broke down crying. I cried and cried until my best friend walked in the room, Ally.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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