The Truth About Me Finally Comes Out

Start from the beginning

"Ok, but, how do you explain those wolves who helped us last night? that grey wolf looked like he knows you."

"That's because he does, his name is Zion. I met him a month ago, I was walking through the woods early in the morning until I heard a fellow wolf howling for help. Turns out Zion had got caught in a bear trap and I was there to help him. At first, he was a bit aggressive with me but, after realising my scent smelt just like his, he began to trust me. Long story short, we became fast friends and we're allies now, even though he still has issues with humans."

"And you don't think he's your mate?"

"No, I don't feel that connection that I mentioned before..."

Nobunaga and I intertwined our fingers and we stared into each other's eyes. As I looked into those Carnelian eyes, I felt that strange feeling when I protected Nobunaga including those moments we shared. Nobunaga leaned closer and I continued.

"...But, whenever I'm around you...I feel...I don't know, I just feel this need to protect you from harm and I don't know why but, I feel a little..."

"Possessive?" Nobunaga finished my sentence.

I looked back at him and our faces were inches away from each other. Nobunaga leaned closer and our lips were close to touching each other until...

"Lord Nobunaga, are you awake?" Masamune called out from the other side of the sliding doors.

I blushed bright red and quickly hid behind Nobunaga while keeping my body wrapped with my blanket. Nobunaga looked over his shoulder and I told him.

"Whatever you do, don't let Masamune see me!"

"Why not? I mean-"

I showed off my dark and scary aura and I told him.

"If you even let that one-eyed dragon see me like this, I will let Shadow tear you limb from limb!"


Nobunaga spoke with a sweat drop running down the side of his head. Masamune came into the room along with Mitsuhide.

'Oh great, not the fox too!'

I thought to myself as I kept myself covered with the duvet covers. Masamune looked over his shoulder and he was surprised when he saw me.

"Lass, you're back to normal and why are you hiding from us?"

"Normally I would have greeted you but, in case if you have forgotten, my kimono got torn to shreds and right now..."


Masamune tried to look over Nobunaga's shoulder but he was able to block his view.

"Masamune, don't you dare look at her!"

"Aw, why not?"

"Because I said so!"

Masamune sweatdropped a little and he understood the tone in his voice. Mitsuhide finally spoke up.

"This isn't like you, my Lord, you're usually up at the crack of dawn, it's not like you to sleep in."

"You're right," Nobunaga was a bit surprised himself.

"He was able to sleep a bit better because he had someone to watch over him."

"That could be true, I mean he did say he used to sleep so little hours at night. My guess is something happened to Nobunaga that caused him to stay on guard even at night."

I told Shadow as I looked at Nobunaga.

"I'll be at the audience hall soon, but first, can one of you ask one of the maids to bring a change of clothes for Alex?"

"Of course, my lord," Mitsuhide spoke a smirk on his face.

Once he and Masamune were gone, I let a sigh of relief but, I then grumbled.

"I cannot believe those guys nearly saw me."

"What's the big deal? I thought you werewolves didn't care who sees your body?"

"That's totally different! If you and the other warlords were werewolves, I wouldn't care that much but, you guys are human and I do care about hiding my body from you!"

"OK...anyway, how is your shoulder? You did get hurt bad last night."

I looked at my shoulder and I took off the bandages to see how it was and not surprising, it was completely healed and it didn't leave a scar.

"Much better now."

Nobunaga was shocked by this and he asked me.

"How did heal so quickly?"

"I'm a werewolf remember? Little injuries like the one I took last night tend to heal overnight."

Nobunaga ran his hand over the spot where I got injured and I felt a shiver run down my spine. 

"Is something the matter?"

"No, it's nothing."

I told him and I looked away from him while pulling the blanket wrapped around my body. Just then, one of the maids spoke up.

"Excuse me, Lord Nobunaga, I've brought a change of clothes for Lady Alex."

"Thank you."

Nobunaga said before he went over to the sliding doors and he took the clothes from the maid. I got out of the futon while keeping a hold of the blanket to keep my body covered. Nobunaga gave me a dark blue kimono with a flower pattern on it. 

"Thanks, Nobunaga," I said as I took the kimono from him.

I used the folding screen to get changed while Nobunaga tended to his duties. I fixed the sash around my waist and I stepped aside from the folding screen and then Nobunaga looked at me.

"Feel better?"

"I do now, especially now that I'm decent."

I said as I tied my hair into a ponytail. Once my hair was tied back, Nobunaga came back to me again and then he ties something around my neck.

"H-Hey! what are you-"

"Stay still."

Nobunaga told me and I stood still. I placed my hand on my neck and it felt like a collar.

"What is this?"

"A little something to let some people know that you belong to me and no one else."

I looked at my reflection in the hand mirror and Nobunaga had put a leather collar on my neck and it has Shadow's name on it too. I smiled a little and I said to Nobunaga.

"Thank you."

"Alex, everyone is gonna know sooner or later."

"Yeah I know, I think it's time I told them the truth."


"But, will you be there to support me? I don't think I can tell them on my own."

"Don't worry, Ieyasu, Masamune and I will make sure the others understand why you kept quiet about being a werewolf."

I smiled at Nobunaga again and then Shadow spoke up.

"Oh brother and here's me thinking this guy was a jerk, I guess he really does have a soft spot after all."

"So it would seem."

I told Shadow before we headed to the audience hall to face the music.

'Oh well, here goes, the truth about me finally comes out.'

Ikemen Sengoku: A Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now