ONE: Recognition

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     Pressing the off button on my alarm clock, quieting it's beeping, I push my covers back up and over my head and groan. It being my first day of high school and all, I know you should be excited, especially due to having gotten into my dream school. But I couldn't help but wish that I could have stayed asleep for another hour or two.

     Heaving a sigh and finally tearing the covers away, I subject myself to the cool air of my room and all but fling my tired self across the room towards my closet. I pull my uniform from its hanger and head out of my room and down the hall towards the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Boring montage of getting dressed and riding the train to school over and done with, I find my class assignment and head into my homeroom. I take a look around the room which is mostly empty at the moment, and decide on a seat vaguely positioned around the middle back. Time passes on, and my mind starts to wander back to the entrance exam's mock villain battle.


I knew that this was going to be hard, but what I didn't know was that it was going to be a free for all, game of oversized whack-a-mole, trying to wrack up points by immobilizing machines. Doing what I could, I managed to slam a couple of them together and tip them over enough to gain a good amount of points.

     Around the three minute mark, I see what can only be described as a gargantuan death bot, knowing full well the intended purpose behind its being here was mostly just for intimidation factor.

     With everyone in the area trying to escape the machine's destructive path forward, I notice that it had its sights locked on someone in front of it, and was advancing on them quickly.

A moment later it starts crumbling and falling backwards, right to where I stood. A few people stopped running once they saw it had turned away from them earlier, and had just stood watching what happened. With it toppling backwards, I knew there wasn't enough time to run to safety, due to the robot's large size.

Without thinking, I formed a large dome and covered the surrounding area, encasing myself and about nine others under it. Knowing that the larger my domes were, the weaker they become, I quickly shrink its circumference, drawing the others closer towards me at the center. All of them shocked, not being able to see the force that drew them to me.

As the now smashed robot fell on top of my dome, a few students screamed out, unsure of their own safety. They all quickly quiet down once they realized they weren't being crushed. My arms and back started to ache under the pressure of the large debris, but I forced myself to hold out with the support of a few students' encouragement.

One of the people pointed out that there was an opening off to the side that everyone could escape from and I created a hole in my dome for the others to crawl through to safety.

Once everyone was out, and I had released my dome, the announcer had called for one minute remaining. I knew I had gotten a good amount of battle points against the machines, but doubted it would be enough to get me high enough on the rankings to absolutely guarantee my admission to UA.

So color me surprised when the acceptance letter came in the mail, with the message that rescue points were also rallied in with my scores. My father and sibling both giving me various levels of "I'm proud of you"s, my sibling's being far more exited and affectionate.


The school bell ringing to start class pulls me back to reality and I shake my head, bringing myself focus on the present. The seats around me having been filled and first day jitters all around, I look to my classmates to take stock of personalities.

It was then that I saw it. I recognized that unmistakeable mess of straw blonde hair right in front of me. It could only be one person, and it was the person I swore I would push from my mind to focus myself into my studies and stamp out the ache in my chest from the pain I'd caused all those years ago.

Denki fuckin' Kaminari.


***Hello again! I am starting to realize just how much I admire those who can pump out multiple chapters a week, this stuff takes some serious dedication!!

Anyways I really hope people will find this fic entertaining, and please, don't hesitate to come to me with feedback about anything!! I'm all ears!!***

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