Chapter 15 - Peter's POV

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Gwen comes walking in, carefully shutting the door behind her. She jumps when it slams shut, and places her hand om her stomach in some sort of fear. She fumbles with her keys, before deciding just to throw them down in the Kitchen table, like I always do.

Something's wrong.

And I intend to find out what.

I walk over to her, and wrap my arms around her from behind. She jumps as I do so. "Oh, Peter. It's you." she says, her voice quivering slightly. "Who else would it be?" I chuckle, kissing her neck softly. She tries to wriggle out of my arms, and she runs off into the bedroom. She pokes her head through the side, and says "Um....I need a book." I walk over to her, and lean on the door. "You ok, Gwen?" I ask, raising my eyebrows slightly. She instantly starts nodding her head fiercely, saying "Yes, yeah...totally...100% ok perfect." Before racing into the bedroom and shutting the door behind her loudly. I sit down on the couch, my heart beating rapidly.

What is wrong with her? I am seriously worried about her. Well, you can't blame me. She is my wife, and the woman who carried my child around for 9 months straight. I need to find out what's wrong with her. I can't have this happening now, not with the murderer and all that going on. And Aunt May coming! What am I gonna do?

I sit, my head in my hands. I can feel my hot breath as I breathe in and out. There is silence. I hear some sort of muttering. Curious, I wander up to our bedroom door. I press my ear against the door. I hear Gwen's voice, whispering into a phone -

"I just don't know what to do May. Should I tell him I'm pregnant again? I just don't think he'd be able to handle it right now. I...I'll tell him soon May. I promise. I know you don't like me keeping it from him, but it's the only thing I can do. I love him too much to see him worry."

Wait......did she say....

She's pregnant?

Sorry it's so late guys!!! School is being torture - I hate homework almost as much as I love Andrew Garfield. And we all know that's a lot. Guys, I wanted to say, that if it wasn't clear enough in the last chapter....I am now part of The Hunger Games fandom. But that doesn't mean I am any less loyal to this fandom. So, I want to know what you guys think of The Hunger Games!! Tell me in the comments!! So as always -

Happy Reading!!!

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