Love really hurts without you

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"We are here to talk about you. Not me and Lucy and whatever happened in the past, so please, Carly, do me a favour and stop making this about me." Charley was getting frustrated. She'd been in this meeting with Carly for almost an hour and all they'd talked about was her and Lucy, which totally defeated the purpose of Charley's job.

Carly sighed, "It's a simple yes or no answer, Charley."

"If you really want to know. I'm ashamed."

Carly smirked, finally feeling like she was getting somewhere, knowing fine well that Steph was interrogating Lucy in the exact same way. "Ashamed of?"

"Everything. The way I acted to Lucy telling me she loved me and then she slept with Laura and I was so angry. I was furious, I wanted her to feel everything that I felt."

"So, you outed her to like...everyone?" Carly tilted her head.

Charley squeezes her eyes shut. She couldn't believe she was sat here crying to Carly over something that happened almost 6 years ago. She wiped away the tears before opening her eyes again, breathing in deeply.

"I didn't meant to. And it wasn't exactly a secret that her and I were sleeping together, she just never wanted to put a label on it."

"It was the way you did it, Charley. Your intentions were all wrong."

"I know...I didn't just lose my girlfriend, I lost my best friend too."

"Well, now's the time to win her back...I mean, like your friendship." Carly laughed awkwardly, not wanting to give Charley any ideas.

"Who said I wanted her friendship back? She cheated on me."

"You abandoned her."

"I abandoned her because she cheated on me."

"So you both need to apologise and be done with it."

"Why should I be the one to apologise?" Charley huffed, folding her arms.

"It looks as though we're going to agree to disagree."


"Sit down, Staniforth." Steph said, pushing Lucy down into the chair.

"I'm not going to apologise!"

"Nobody's asking you apologise! Just be nice to her. We all love Charley." Beth reasoned.

"Oh yeah, Cheeky Charley is perfect. I forgot." Lucy rolled her eyes. "Everyone thinks the world of her, I get it. But she abandoned all of us. You, me, Jordan, Beth, Lucy, Carly, Jill, Demi. She didn't give us a second thought before she was on that plane - she's standing right behind me isn't she?"

Lucy, Steph, Jill, Demi and Beth all nodded in unison and Stan groaned, before swivelling round on her feet. "Hi."

"You have absolutely no right to assume how I felt or how I was thinking. You didn't have the right then and you certainly don't have the right now. It's your fault we split up in the first place."

"I forgot, you're little miss perfect yourself."

"Did I say that? Stop putting words in my mouth!"


Stan, Lucy, Keira, Beth, Carly and Charley all just about had heart attacks as Steph finally put an end to their heated conversation.

"We are only here for a few days. Please....please....please! Try and behave! All of you." Steph glared at Charley and Lucy.

"Go and get ready for dinner...get out of my sight." Steph sighed, as the girls and Charley all went their separate ways, leaving Steph and Lucy Bronze on their own.

"What are we going to do?"

"I have no idea. But we have to try and get them to at least like each other again." Steph replied, running a hand through her hair.

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