detention :O

50 1 12

y/n mentally cursed. why did sir want to keep her behind? as the rest of the students filed out, the class slowly became quiet, and only two people remained.

mista mackswell cleared his throat, "i know you weren't listening to me today y/n"

y/n gulped. as far as everyone else knew, she was a good girl. the last thing she wanted was to ruin her track record in her last year of secondary school.

"do you know how i know?" sir asked. y/n remained silent, shaking her head.

"because my cat isn't called macbeth, shes called margarita."

y/n tried so hard. she really did. but in the end she couldn't hold back. she literally LOLed right in mista mackswell's face.

"im so sorry sir but what the actual fuck your cat is called margarita im so sorry" y/n gasped between fits of laughter. she doubled over, tears forming in her eyes.

mista mackswells bottom lip began to quiver.

suddenly, there was a knock at the door. y/n turned her head to see her saving grace, sadie. she grinned, but instantly became confused at the sight of them both crying for two different reasons.

"What you sayin sir, just wanted to ask you for sum help on my hw and dhat" sadie said.

mista mackswell instantly tried to hide his emotions (not very well), and told sadie to come in. "sure sarah" he licked his lips. sadie looked puzzled as no one called her sarah but she swaggered in anyway. "y/n can help us too, seeing as she did nothing in class"


"bruh that was DED AF" sadie exclaimed the moment they left the room, eventhough they were legit 5 metres from the classroom. y/n widened her eyes, and motioned for sadie to stop, but much to y/n's embarrassment, she didn't stop.

"NGL my guy i did not even learn anything like rah who made my man a teacher"

meanwhile back in room 23 or whatever mista mackswell broke down in tears. he sat down in his chair and decided to rant to his only friend, babs. little did he know she actually never replied to ANY of his emails and had blocked him.

mista mackswell had kept the girls back for 2 hours, but somehow as the pair sauntered out of the school gates, ms foster was still there to bid them a safe journey home.

"OI y/n how bout ur mum gives me a lift home calm sn" sadie and y/n both got in y/n's mums car and made their way home.


y/n awoke from her nap to her phone ringing. squinting and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she made out the unknown number ringing her. for a split second she weighed out the pros and cons of answering. she suddenly had a flash back to katherine and fiona answering unknown numbers in a indian accent and instantly picked up.

"hello?" she said cautiously

a clearly upset voice poured through, sniffling through tears, "is this y/n? if it is i just want you to know im really quite upset abt what you said about my cat like she's like a child to me and-"

y/n's voice hitched in her throat as she allowed the voice to ramble on. it was mista mackswell. she panicked. her new english teacher was now also her stalker. fuxking awesome.

she came round to her senses.

"hello how are you i am underwater please help me too much raining" y/n quickly said.

mista mackswell instantly stopped, "omg sir i am so sorry good day"

the line beeped.

y/n kicked flipped off of her bed and made her way downstairs. how strange. she couldn't wait to tell her friends about how mista mackswell had somehow found her number.


the next day rolled around, and y/n hopped off the bus and made her way into school. she met up with sadie, katherine and fiona in the playground.

"guys, last night mr mackswell found my number somehow."

as expected, the girls looked shocked. but, unsurprisingly, sadie's eyes lit up.

"we could have a lot of fun with this...."

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