Who's The New Girl?

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Chapter 4: How could you tell me like it is Pretty Little Fears Music to my ears ~ 6LACK

We made our way to AP English we were a little late thank God for late passes right. Valentina knocked on the door and waited for a response. We heard a faint come in and that we did.

"Good morning ladies do you have late passes?" The teacher asked.

We both nodded our heads and gave them to her.

"Valentina you may go to your seat, and who might you be?" She asked me.

I introduced myself to her and she did the same.

"Class we have a new student as you all can see, please introduce yourself." She said walking behind her desk.

I tried to muster up all the courage I had and said, "Hi my name is Tyla Black you can call me Ty and I'm 16."

After doing that the teacher whose name I learned is Ms. Sinclair told me to take a seat anywhere that is empty. I looked around and saw the only empty seat in the back next to Valentina. I made my way over and sat down.

She begun to teach and I started taking notes. As I was doing that Valentina wanted to introduce me to her friends but I asked her if that could wait till later and she said yes no problem.

The period finished and it was time for AP History. Before you ask yes I have all AP classes because I'm smart.

Fast Forward to lunch. Valentina asked me well really begged me to sit with her and her friends. At first I said no but she got me to change my mind.

We made it to the cafeteria that looked more like a modern café. We went in the line to order some food. Valentina bought a chicken burger, fries and a strawberry milkshake. While I ordered 3 slices of pepperoni pizza, fries and an Oreo milkshake.

We walked over to the table in the very center of the café. I was shook to see the girl I bumped into sitting at the table she saw me and started to smirk at me and I blushed. Other than her there were 2 other girls and one dude.

Valentina sat next to the dude, the only seat available was next to smirk girl so I sat next to her.

"Who's the new girl?" asked one of the girls.

"Guys this is my new friend Tyla, Tyla these are my friends and my boyfriend." Valentina said introducing us.

"Nice to meet you all." I said politely. They all responded. 

Mike (Valentina's Boyfriend)



Finally smirk girl whose name I found out to be Toni.

Toni aka Smirk girl

"What's your sexuality?" Venus asked eating her fries.

"Lesbian." I replied

"Same Valentina is the only straight girl in our little group, so you single or nah?"


"Oh would you look at that so is Toni." Alex said wiggling her eyebrows.

I giggled at her action and looked over to find Toni watching me. I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned away smiling.

"I ship it." Said Valentina I shook my head and we continued to talk. Is this what having friends feel like? Do I actually have friends? I'm so hopeless. Guess I should try to make friends and put myself out there right?

"Um do you guys want to come over to my house after school?" I asked starting to feel shy all of a sudden.

"I'm in so that means mike is coming." Valentina was the first to say.

"Hey what do we gotta lose me and Alex are in too." Venus said smiling.

"So that just leaves Toni, are you in or not?" Mike asked

"Of course she's in she wants to spend some time with her baby bear Tyla.' Alex laughed.

Toni begun to smile and I couldn't help but smile back to.

"Hell yes I'm in." She smirked then winked at me.

'What is this girl doing to me?' I thought in my head.

"Okay make a group chat and I'll send the address."

I gave Valentina my number and she created the group chat so I sent my address. While I was on my phone I texted my parents telling them that I'm having company over later.

They were shook at first but said okay and everything will be set up in the chill room and theatre room. I thanked them and continued the conversation at the table. From the corner of my eyes I could see Toni staring at me which made me blush. 'WTF is this girl doing to me?' I screamed in my head. 'Do I have a crush on her?' I asked myself. 'I just met her nah man I'm tripping, tripping.'

The bell rang signalling that it's time for class. I threw away my trash and waited at the door for Valentina to take me to my next class which was drumroll please AP Art.

We arrived to class and I sat at the back next to the window. I zoned out while waiting for the teacher to come that I didn't see Toni standing next to me.

"Aye ma you in my seat, but you cute so you can stay." She said sitting down beside of me.

'Wait did she just say I was cute?' I asked myself in my head. I began to smile like smile, smile.

"Aww you think I'm cute, but I'm not." I said shrugging my shoulders.

She just turned to look at me before saying,

"You're right you're not cute; you're beautiful."

I started blushing like full on blushing I was going to say something but the teacher begun to tell us what we will be doing today.

"Good afternoon class, today I would like you to draw or paint whatever you want; get your artist inside of you out you have 30 minutes."

When she finished talking I started to imagine what I wanted to draw then it came to me.

After 20 minutes I was done I just had a few things to touch up then the masterpiece will be done, done. I finished in the nick of time.

"Times up, now let's do something fun give me your drawings and I will put them in the front and you vote for the best one and the winner gets a prize." She said coming around to collect the paintings/ drawings.

She set them all up in front and we went to vote. There were some amazing pieces of art that I knew I wasn't going to win. Ah sigh I voted for the best one I saw and no it wasn't mine lol.

At the end of it I went back to my seat like everybody else. The teacher tallied up the votes and begun to talk

"The results are in the best piece of art here that was picked by your classmates is ta dah."

I was shocked to see that my drawing was in her hand. "So the student that drew this please come up."

Everybody started to look around and I was hesitant to go up. Toni saw the look on my face and gave me encouraging smile and squeezed my hand. I got up and made my way to the front of the class.

"This is amazing and I wasn't the only person that said so, so you will be getting your prize tomorrow good work." She said giving me my drawing.

I thanked her and went back to my seat.

"It looks amazing Ty." Toni said smiling.

"Thanks Toni." I smiled back.

The bell rang and she dismissed us. Only 2 more classes to go I thought to myself. 

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So Tyla got a little boo thang lol

Alone Before themDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora