Harry Wilson Joins Bournemouth 😍🍒

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6th August 2019 🍒
TODAY'S THE DAY!! I finally get to see harry for the first time in months alongside David of corse... i've gotta feeling i'll not get him to myself whilst davids around well he is his best friend! I actually got up early for once so i can look presentable for when i see harry 😍 i was just fishing my hair off when david knocked came barging to wake me up like every morning has he knows i sleep through my alarm everyday... thats until he got a shock "Jesus fucking christ sis are you feeling alright this morning you're never up when i come in!?" He cried still quite taken back by seeing me up and ready "never been better david just felt like i wanted to make an effort for once" i smiled "okay you're smiling and its not even past 9 yet and you're wearing make up for work which you never do!" He said in confusion "i'm just in a good mood for once and the make up? i felt like a change" i shrugged "well... if you say so and one more thing tone the make up down you're going to work not on a night out" he sighed whilst walking out my room "too much make up? What's he talking about!" I huffed to myself whilst going downstairs for breakfast.

I was casually sat drinking my usual morning coffee with my toast when David walked in smiling away at his phone "something amusing you on there bro?" I smirked "not really its only harry telling me he's in his way to the ground now" he said in excitement "thats good to know" i smiled "I KNOW RIGHT!" He yelled whilst jumping up and down "jeez i don't know who's more excited me or him!" I mumbled to myself whilst shaking my head after watching my brother jump around for 5 minutes we set off the vitality stadium the car ride was happier than usual with David blasting out the tunes with us both singing at top of our voices 😂 put it this way harry should've come to bournemouth sooner! 😂

Once we reached the stadium David practically jumped out of car including myself "we so need to chill out before we go in!" I laughed "wait a minute i know why you're in this crazy mood its bloody Kyle Taylor  you're lover lover!" He winked "how many times do i have to tell you me and Kyle are best friends nothing more!" I shouted "whatever you say sis..." he smirked "David Robert brooks i suggest you wipe that smirk of your face before i do!" I cried "try me bitch!" He joked which made me go to hit him which lead to one of our bitchy girly fights 😂😂 that was until Kyle came alongside aaron ramsdale... "we thought we might find you tow fighting as per usual" smirked aaron "she bloody started it!" Shouted David which made me stick finger up at him causing Kyle and aaron to be in stitches at us both 😂😂 After mine and davids usual bitch fight we all headed into the ground.

Once everyone had arrived Eddie called us all over "ooo! This is it" cried David "we get it you're gonna be reunited with you're bestie" i sighed whilst following him over with others "right lads and amy-jo todays the day you've all been excited about harry wilson has singed for the cherries on loan!" Smiled eddie then suddenly he came running on to the pitch! 😍 "omg my bro! There's only one harry wilson!" Sang David making everyone else join in "glad to see you're all pumped up to see harry so i'll give him some time to get to know you all" said eddie once harry got to know all lads he came up me, David and Chris mepham 😍i could feel myself melting already but i had to keep my cool... "Hey lads! Good to see you both" smiled harry whilst pulling David and chis into a man hug 😂 "great to see you too mate! the welsh boys are back!" Cried David "yess mate!. Omg is this mini brooks you've changed so much!" He said in shock whilst pulling me into a hug which i never wanted to part from ever! 😍😍 "in the flesh wilson great to have you back with us!" I smiled which he returned i may have started to blush 😳 "so have the brooks brother and sister been getting along well?" he smirked "of corse we have we're like tow peas in a pod aren't we amy-jo?"smiled David whilst pulling me into him "yeah more like cat and dog mate" i laughed "thought so typical of you guys" laughed harry alongside Chris "we can get on sometimes what about this morning in the car?" smirked David "that was only because i was in a good mood" i scoffed "the day i will only see you tow get along is Christmas" laughed harry "can't argue with that one" i shrugged  "you mist their little bitch fight this morning" smirked Kyle coming over to us all "as if you guys still have those fights" laughed harry "its cos David never agrees with me on things" i said "not true! i agreed to let you work in the same workplace as me!" He shouted "thats different!" I huffed "how so?!" He shouted "you'll see in a minute..." i said whilst going for him once again only to be pulled back by harry "oh its good to be back with the brooks siblings" he laughed with Kyle 😂

Once we got reunited with our harry wilson 😍 the lads had to do training in the gym to get harry used to all the equipment which i had the honours of showing in as the usual gym coach was on holiday 😁 the bonus i get to me around harry and his muscles for a while 🤤😍 when training was over for the day me,harry,David and Kyle all decided to head off to bournemouth beach as the weather was nice we all went  home first to get ready we decided to meet on the beach ☀️🏖 today has definitely been the best one i've had in a while especially now harry wilson has joined us! 😍🍒 

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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My brothers best friend 😍 H.W 🔴❤️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum