Mina the Grizzly Sin

Start from the beginning

"You didn't believe him at first, did you?" "If you lived in a world with magic being fairy tales, would you?" King shrugged his shoulders. "I guess that makes sense." We watched for the next few years as I trained with the Sin's and lived my normal life. "That should conclude today." "Ok, I'll be heading home." I started walking out before Izuku spoke up. "You should really be careful hanging around your family. You are a Sin now, so anyone and everyone you come into contact with can and will be put in our fight." I didn't believe him much and just pushed it off. "Don't worry, I'll be careful."

I started to walk home with Chastiefol in my arms. Ever since I started, Izuku has suggested me to live in the Boar's Hat with him and the others without giving a better reason other than that cryptic message. I didn't feel like taking my time with my parents away yet, so I chose to do a half life with them or something. "I wonder what he means by people I come into contact with will be put in our fight? Ehhh, not worth dealing with it now. Mom is probably worried about me, so I should pick up the pace." I started to run home to see my mom and dad. Once I got closer though, I smelled smoke. 'What's that from? Did someone light a cigarette and not put it out or something?' I continued my way home to smell more smoke. I started to worry and began flying home.

Once I got home, I saw my house on fire with a red demon looking at me. "No." In an effort to find my mom and dad, I jumped into the fire and used gaurdian to help keep me safe from the fire. "Mom! Dad! Where are you!?" I went through the house holding my breath as best I could to find them. "Mom! Dad! Can you hear me!?" "Mi..na." I heard my mom in a room and made Chastiefol in it's spear form to cut the door down. "Mom!" I ran in and saw a nightmare of an image.

"Mi...na. Run." I saw as the demon had my mom and dad in it's hand crushing the life out of them. 'No. NO!' I watched my parents spew blood out their mouth with it dripping off the demons hand. "You...YOU BASTARD!" I used Increase to take the demons hand off and took my parents bodies out of the house. "Mom, dad, please stay with me." I called Chastiefol back and tried to heal them. "Spirit Spear Chastiefol 8th configuration, Pollen Garden."

I held them in the barrier and tried to heal them for nothing to happen. "Common, work! Please!" I felt my mom's hand on my face to look down at her. "Mina, run. Run as fast as you can from here." "*sniffle* I will. I'll run when you and dad are ok. So stay with me." I felt her hand slip off my face and grabbed it. "Mom, please don't leave me! Don't leave me alone!" I watched as my mom died without the ability to do anything. "Mom? Dad?" I saw their bodies and started to lose it inside. I got up and turned to the demon. It started to laugh at me which had made my blood boil even more.

"You did this. You took my parents from me." I looked up at it with absolute anger behind tears. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY! SPIRIT SPEAR CHASTIEFOL 4TH CONFIGURATION, SUNFLOWER!" I made Chastiefol into a giant sunflower and fired at it for 30 straight minutes. "I'LL MAKE SURE THERE'S NOTHING OF YOU LEFT IN THIS WORLD WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU!!!" Once my anger subsided a bit to stop, I turned to the corpses of my parents and cried. "Your family died to a demon." I held my fists in anger with tears running down my face. "...Yeah."

After some time passed, Izuku came with Momo and looked at the scene. "Mina. I'm sorry this had to happen." "...Why didn't you tell me this could happen?" Izuku tried to walk up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "I did warn you that it was dangerous-" "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I slapped his hand away when I felt it. I turned to Izuku and started punching him in the face. "Why didn't you tell me that my family could get attacked!? Why did you only tell my in a half ass cryptic message instead of telling me straight up!? Why!?"

I started to cry while falling to the ground. "Why did they have to get pulled into this!?" I began to feel just how weak I was at that moment. "They were good people that didn't deserve this. So why did they have to get dragged into my problems?" Izuku held a hurt face while kneeling down to my level. "Because they wanted to get to you. They followed the scent of your sin here and attacked them thinking you could be one of them." At that point, I realized that this was all my fault. If I didn't choose to keep living with them, maybe they'd still be alive.

"This shouldn't have ever happened, your right on that. But sometimes the only way we can learn a lesson is if we learn it the hard way." I started to hug him and cry into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and started stroking my head to calm me down. I could only bawl my eyes knowing it was me that did this to my family. I hated myself for many things that day. But the one thing I hated more, was my lack of ability to make hard decisions. If I would've just went to live at the Boar's Hat like Izuku asked, maybe mom and dad would still he here.

The scene went to the next few days after this to show how broken I was. I barely ate, I didn't sleep, all I could do was think of what happened and the fact I couldn't save mom or dad. "Mina, it's Izuku. Can I come in?" I lugged my lifeless body up and walked to the door to open it. "What do you want?" "I wanted to talk to you. Can I come in?" I opened the door to let him in. I sat on the bed and waited for him to answer. "I know this is hard, but were here for you. All of us." I barely payed attention and just held my lifeless expression.

At that point, Izuku got up and stood right in front of me. "Forgive me for this." He held his head up before slamming it down on mine. "OW! What was that for!?" "To get you out of your slump. Like it or not, your parents are gone and are never coming back. You may not be able to save them anymore, but maybe you are able to prevent that from happening to another child. We risk our lives to make sure no human has to go through what you did. So please, we need your help  before we can do anything."

I looked up to see blood coming out his nose. I realized what he said and pulled myself up. "Your right Izuku. It hurts letting this happen, but I will be damned if I let this happen to someone else while I have the power to stop it." I see Izuku smile before leaving the room. "Training picks up again tomorrow, I expect you there." "Yes sir." The scene went back to the burned down forest with King looking at me. "So have you discovered why you have your sin?" I nod and start saying why.

"I was lazy and chose not to take this role serious. Because of that, my mom and dad are dead. But it's because of that that we fight as hard as we do. So that will never happen again to someone else." King smiles and looks at me. "That's the spirit, nicely done Mina Ashido." I started to feel my leg burn before getting a huge surge of energy and something growing out of my back. "Those wings are proof of your fairy blood, use them wisely." I nod before he disappears into nothing.

The area starts to turn into that of the inside of a tree with a small light coming out of an area. I start to move my wings a bit to see how it feels. "Kinda hard, maybe after some time it'll feel more natural." I begin to walk into the opening while thinking on my goal in life. 'I couldn't do anything for my parents because I didn't want to take my role as a Sin seriously. But now I want to do everything in my power to keep my fun and lazy life the way it is now. I will stop the Commandments and save those who are about to suffer the same fate from becoming me. This I swear on my role as The Grizzly Sin of Sloth.'

Power level: 4,046-8,092

And that finishes this chapter. To make Mina's sin simple to understand, she was told to be more cautious on who she is around regularly by Izuku and chose to not take his words seriously. Her laziness on this matter had cost her with bringing the only people she cared to never want in this fight to be brought in. She was angered and slightly blamed Izuku for not telling her, but knew it was her fault why it happened. Now she desires to keep her lazy life with the Sin's no matter what. Next Sin will be the Boar Sin, so stay tuned for that. Hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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