Nymphet Real Talk

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Hey babes ✨
     So I just edited my description of this guide. Where it used to say "men" now says "safety". Why? Well because I am well aware of how young everyone here is, and I know the dangers of the so-called "lifestyle" of a nymphet.
     When I was young I almost got myself in trouble. I'm not going to go into detail on what that means, just know that I wasn't in a safe place or mindset. Please don't do anything dangerous if you are underaged. I used to do that shit, and it never ends well. Even now that I'm of age, I still have to be very careful.
     I have always been attracted to the nymphet style and have always been attracted to older men. Don't think just because you feel the same way that you can just get yourself in dangerous situations. It's not worth it. And don't believe that "nothing will happen to me" because it will.
      Oof. So anyway, I think my chapter after this will be about makeup lol.

~ Maria 💫

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