Chapter 1: Savior's Eve

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Every year, on this specific day, all the wealthy from near and far came to Castle Mustafu for Savior's Eve. The king commissioned it in honor of the night his champion, Sir Overhaul (or, as he liked to be called, Lord Kai Chisaki) discovered the treachery of the terrible Sir Deku and his Emerald Guardians and captured them before they could carry out their loathsome plan. This night was the seventh anniversary of Sir Overhaul's victory and he was spending it luxuriously in the company of his family, fellow nobles and "knights".

The "knights," as they were so called, came dressed in gleaming armor and carrying large swords and shields, adorned with loud and colorful crests. They were a mixed lot; some were mouse-like, stout, and spoke very quickly at a high pitch; some more were tall and lean, often staying silent unless spoken to, and even then spoke in soft, deep voices; others were bloated, fat, and very, very loud. They all shared two characteristics, though. They bore the presence of hawks searching for prey and were very loyal to their master, Sir Overhaul.

The nobles were very similar to the knights. In fact, if the knights had worn expensive merchant's clothes or the nobles wore armor and weaponry, you would not be able to tell the two groups apart. Both were a very mixed lot, though almost all of them were ugly, and they all had mixed preferences. Some withdrew from the party with a glass of wine and gazed out eerily into the hall, others pigged out on the food and talked in loud, booming voices, trying very hard to be the life of the party, while most fell somewhere in between.

Chisaki's family was, of course, the royal family who always attended the castle festivities. King Furui was at the head of the table, a tall man well into his 90s and with a very long white beard that concealed the lower half of his face. He was wearing a large, white tiger fur cape over his blue satin coat with silver and gold decorations. His coat went well with his blue pants with silver lining and blue satin shoes. His eyes were a soft brown that radiated a certain warmth and kindness that seemed muted. He also was looking his age, sagging in his chair and not speaking as much in his deep, booming voice as he used to. In fact, he looked and acted rather sick, with bags under his eyes, his drooping posture, and his tendency to mutter under his breath.

Chisaki's wife, Princess Ochako Ururaka, was stunning as always with her beautiful chocolate brown hair and rosy cheeks. She was tall and fair, with a stunning red dress with long sleeves and pink highlights all over. Expensive, white lace adorned her wrists, high neckline, and dress hem and pink ribbons were dotted all over the dress. Her hands wore light red gloves that covered her arms from her fingers to a little below her elbows. She stood tall, regal, and silent, with cool eyes gazing over the crowd and her mouth in a small frown as though bored. She was the perfect persona of an ice queen.

Then, there was the most closely kept secret in the castle, known only to the nobles and the castle servants: Chisaki's daughter, Eri. She was a little girl of six, but was Chisaki's pride and joy. Rumor had reached the noble's ears about her developing magic, but Chisaki had yet to affirm or disprove those claims. Whatever the case, Eri had the purity (and some of the appearance) of a unicorn, with her gentle nature and kind and polite attitude towards others (as well as her flowing white hair and single horn on the right side of her forehead). She was wearing a deep, purple dress with light purple ribbons dotting the seams as decorations. Bright pink lace adorned her hem, neckline, and wrists. She always stared out at the world with large, wondering eyes, yet she never seemed to smile in public. It was like she didn't know how.

Chisaki himself wore an expensive robe with an edge that looked like it was made of black feathers and was set in a dark, ugly purple. His coat was a very dark brown with gold lining and seemed to be made of leather. His pants were black with gold lining and he was wearing thick, black boots with pointy gold toes. Chisaki's appearance was completed with the gold circlet of Regent Prince atop his messy black hair and his brown, leather Yakuza mask, giving him the appearance of a crow or raven. His dark, cold eyes often scanned over the crowd and despite his expression, you got the feeling when he looked at you that he would rather watch you writhe on the ground than talk to you since you were beneath him.

At first glance, they seemed like a functional family. Only the servants and a few watchful nobles noticed the finer details. However, one hidden observer noticed a few more things about the royal family and their guests that the more observant didn't.

'Knights?' he thought. 'Ha! More like children playing dress-up! They can barely walk around in that clunky armor! Look at them, their lumbering makes it hard to tell the drunk from the sober! And look at those shields! They're just for show; no way would they be able to take a full-on blow from a broadsword or axe, much less a magic spell! And those swords are so comically large, I can tell that they're impossible to wield correctly... and no one's even taken one out yet! Ah, it makes me nostalgic for the days when all knight equipment was made by the Hatsumes... now THOSE were weapons and armor worthy of warriors!'

He then looked at the royal family. 'Tch! If one needs any more proof that they are not knights, look no further than that pompous oaf, Chisaki,' he grumbled internally. 'Striding about like he owns the place and talking like he's a benevolent overseer. While he and his friends stuff themselves to the point of vomiting, dozens of families outside are going hungry tonight due to the latest round of outrageous taxes! And don't think I can't see those bandages on your "daughter's" arms, Chisaki. She may have your blood, but there is no love lost between you two. And Ururaka...'

The observer looks with pity over at the Princess. 'Oh, Milady,' he thought with sorrow, 'we have failed you as well as this land! I've stared at you long enough to know when something is wrong. You never wear gloves or long sleeves, which means your hiding broken fingers and bruised arms, also explaining why you're not moving them much. You've barely touched your food, even though you love roasted lamb and drunken smashed potatoes. Anyone with passing knowledge of you would know you're not yourself; I remember whenever we had parties after victories over villains, you were the life of the party, always moving, eating, drinking, and talking as fast as your tongue and breath allowed you! But now, it's like you don't care for festivities at all. And I can see those sunken cheeks, the pale color on your face that dims the rosiness of your cheeks... even your assets aren't as appealing as they were before! We have left you to suffer all these years, Milady, and for us, there is no greater shame!'

Stray tears fall down the unknown man's cheeks. He quickly wiped them away and glared out at a few particular guests who weren't having as much fun. 'And don't think I don't see you traitors, milling about with this rabble. You haven't lifted a single finger to aid her or this land, despite the oath we all swore and the promise we all made to her and Midoriya! I may have shame, but your cowardice defies all sense of the word! The very sight of you makes my blood boil.' The figure trembled in righteous fury, before calming and smiling a mischevious smile. "So, allow me to repent for my sins... and make your lives miserable," he whispered before he disappeared into the crowd....

A/N: Aaaaaaaaaand, done! Sorry for the short chapter, but if I went on with this as I previously had planned, it was going to end up being too long. So, I trimmed it down and put what happens next in the next one. So, Chisaki looks pretty evil right now. Wonder what happened to the king and Ururaka? Also, can anybody guess who the mystery observer is? Like, vote, comment, and follow! I accept all critiques! Bye~!

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