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Once upon a time, there was a chaotic land wrought with people gifted with special powers and no idea on how to control them. Once, this land had been peaceful, and men and women had lived in harmony. However, the gifts bestowed on humanity often caused drastic changes in appearance, not to mention that the abilities themselves were frighteningly powerful. So, the normal humans discriminated against these "monsters" and a bloody war ensued. The strong preyed on the weak for personal gain as more and more gifted individuals appeared. From the ashes of this bloody war, an ancient kingdom named Napaj (A/N don't judge me, I literally had NO IDEAS) rose up. In this kingdom, an order of knights arose to defend the common folk from the horrible "villains." These heroic individuals formed the Order of Yuuei.

Their leader was a man named Sir All Might. He was the pinnacle of all who had come before, a true hero in every sense of the word, the Number One knight who saved the innocent with a beaming smile. However, one day, he battled the powerful and malicious individual named Lord All for One and was forced into retirement due to his injuries. Luckily, he was able to defeat Lord All for One and had named a successor for his incredible power: a brave young lad that came to be known as Sir Deku. Together, with the next generation of Yuuei knights, they defeated the Villain's Guild, a creation of Lord All for One, and their leader, Lord All for One's heir, Lord Tomura Shigaraki.

This band of knights formed a new sub-order of Yuuei knights, dubbed the Emerald Guardians with Sir Deku as their leader. For his brave actions and selfless nature, Sir Deku was made the head of the Order of Yuuei, with Sir Endeavor, Sir All Might's replacement, standing aside quickly with no objections. The king quickly made Sir Deku Captain of the Napaj Royal Forces as well, and gave the Guardians high positions in his royal army.

This included his own daughter, Princess Ochako Ururaka, also known as Lady Uravity, the Gravity Witch. She had trained alongside the Yuuei Knights so that she may learn how to protect herself and any future royal heirs she might carry and raise. She had become quite the respected figure among the people and her peers. Especially with Sir Deku, to whom she was betrothed to in all but in name. The other Guardians often commented that they had never seen a more obvious case of true love.

It seemed that all would be as it should be, with a happily ever after.

Fate, however, was not so kind.

One fateful day, terrible news spread through the kingdom like wildfire. Sir Deku had been caught in act of villainous treason against the king by Archduke Kai Chisaki, head of a secret society of nobles known as the Eight Precepts of Death. Sir Deku and several members of the Emerald Guardians were tried and convicted of high treason. However, before they could be executed, they disappeared.

Chisaki was given the name Sir Overhaul and promoted to Lord, quickly inheriting all of Sir Deku's previous titles and land. This included Princess Ururaka's hand in marriage. The Emerald Guardians were disbanded as a result of Sir Deku's removal. Most of them had already disappeared. Others, though, were proven innocent of any charges of treason and quickly became some of Chisaki's best warriors. They formed a small band known as the Destroyers, headed by Sir Ground Zero, a destructive knight with a short fuse who had been a close friend of Sir Deku. Princess Ururaka quickly "came down with an illness" and was confined to her chambers shortly after her wedding. Later, rumors spread that she had given birth to a baby girl. However, no concrete evidence existed of such a baby, the only known fact being that such talk of such a child was heavily frowned upon by Sir Overhaul.

Within the next seven years, Lord Chisaki tightened his grip on the kingdom of Napaj. He made his society, the Eight Precepts, a large player in determining laws, resulting in a government that favored the wealthy over the commoners. Large and harsh taxes were placed on those not of noble descent and followers of the Eight Precepts quickly became a sort of secret police that answered directly to Chisaki. Using his influence within the Order of Yuuei, he cut out several knights loyal to the king and replaced them with pompous thugs that were more loyal to him than the crown. In response to these changes, many noble knights left the Order in disgust. Quirk Wood, once a mystical place of nature and magic, now became a hideout for former knights turned thieves and outlaws, as well as a sanctuary from all fleeing Overhaul's oppressive rule, despite the number of soldiers he sent in those woods to catch them. Oh, Chisaki was not king in name, but he might as well have been. It seemed all was lost. With the Guardians gone, the Yuuei knights now remade in Chisaki's image, and the Princess confined permanently in the castle, it looked like nothing could stop Chisaki.

However, something is about to happen that'll change everything. We now go exactly seven years after Overhaul's rise to power, to the city of Musutafu, capital of Napaj...

A/N: NOT DEAD~~~!!!! Yes, yes, I know I haven't updated the stuff I already have out, but please don't hate me! Not my fault my brain has failed me and given me a severe case of writer's block! I have more story beginnings than I know what to do with and no idea how to connect them to the plots I have planned out! And I have barely any time for writing as is with college application due dates just around the corner!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Huff... huff... sorry, needed to vent for a second. Anyway, here's this! I'm really planning to go places with this, so please have patience with me! Updates will be irregular, but I'll try to get at the very least one chapter out per month. Don't forget to like, comment, vote, and follow! Bye~~~~~!!!

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