Author's Note (Revised 12-2-14)

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If you made it here that means you’ve read The Memory Giver, so thank you if you have.  I hope you enjoyed my tale of a boy, a girl, and the ghost of the boy’s dead brother.  This story is special to me because it’s based on my relationship with my brother growing up. Yes, I was a Turtle; No, my older brother is not dead (although there were times I wished he was), Yes, growing up he very much embodied the dark spirit of A.D. We were very close growing up—we still are. I’m dedicating this book to him. I hope you enjoyed me sharing a real piece of my life with you through fiction.

I also know that if you’ve made it this far you’re disappointed to discover there isn’t going to be anymore.  For those of you who want more I have some good news.  There will be more—a lot more.  Just not here. My publisher (White Whisker Books) recently accepted the completed (100,000 word) novel for publication. The book is currently in editing and we’re seeking beta readers.  When the book emerges from editing we will be sending out hard copies to beta readers in the US and ebook copies to beta readers in other parts of the world.  We’d like these readers to report a mistake if they see one and to tell us if something isn’t working for them.  Mostly, however, we’d like these beta readers to enjoy the book, blog about it on their blogs, and when the time is right, post a nice review on Amazon and Goodreads.

I’ve decided to choose my beta readers from right here on Wattpad, where it all began.  If this is of interest to you, please send me a direct message saying you’d like to be a beta reader, and please include your email info.  If you have questions or concerns you’d like answered before you make a decision, dm those to me as well.  My publisher and I will accommodate as many of you as we can.  I can’t tell you the cutoff date for beta readers, but I can tell you the book will be ready for betas late November (2014).  Once the book is ready, it will be sent to those who signed up. Once that happens, I won’t accept any more beta readers.  I’ll keep you posted on the book’s progress. If you become a beta, our goal is for you to have it read and your thoughts emailed back to us by Christmas.  So, if you’re looking for a fun, romantic, horror holiday read, please sign up to be a beta.

I’m currently putting the finishing touches on a new chilling short that should be up here soon. You’re not getting rid of me that easily ;-)  Thanks again everyone.  This has been a fun ride.

E & Sal


If you'd like to become a beta readeer it's still not too late.  It's December 2nd and The book is still being edited.  So beta readers probobly won't be seeing it until around Christmas.  If this works with your schedule, please sign up.

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