dear, losers...

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Dear, Losers...

Wow, I haven't said that in a while. It is 2016! 27 years later from when we last saw it. I got the news last night and I decided to make a letter just in case, well, if I die.

#1: Hey Bill, I just wanted to say that I have always looked up to you. You were a leader and I've always wanted to be one but I could never be because I'm not emotionally, physically, or mentally prepared for that. Thank you for being such a great friend to literally everybody. You were always sweet and determined.

#2: Hey Mike, I just wanted to say that you are smarter and stronger than you think you are. You are also a leader. It's so weird because I can see you becoming a detective or a police officer. All I know is, that you are going to do great things in life. Thank you for everything.

#3: Hey Stan, Stan the Man. If you get this; I just wanted to say that you are literally the most sassiest person ever but thats okay because your roasts were amazing. I'm still sorry about your kippah. It didn't deserve what happened to it. R.I.P Kippah. But seriously, you were always very sweet to everyone you knew and you're the only one who understood me for not wanting to go in greywater.

#4: Beverly, hey. I really wanted to tell you that you are bad ass and strong in every way. You are such an amazing person and I hope whoever you meet treats you nicely because you are a really great person. You always helped people if they were hurt or in danger and didn't care if you got hurt because you just wanted to help others. So thank you for being a beautiful person on the inside and outside.

#5: Ben! Ben, I really need to remind you that you are extremely intelligent. Not only are you smart but you are a soft romantic, the ladies love you. You could never hurt a fly, unless that fly was Bowers. Thank you for helping us find clues onto finding that stupid clown. I hope you and Bev get married if I'm being honest.

#6: Hey Rich, or should I say trashmouth? I have so many things for you. So many things, words that were never spoken. But now, I'm going to tell you. Richie, I've always admired you. Your stupid humor and fearlessness was amazing along with your confidence. I always jealous of that. I'm gonna miss the ways we used to tease each other. Also, still don't forgive you for snapping my arm back into place when it was broken.
But seriously, I have too many things to tell you specifically and God, I'm sorry if this bothers you but I'm not going to be saying every single thing I like about you because I have things that I love about you and I can't believe I'm saying this...I've always wanted to tell you but I never thought you'd feel the same...

Richie, I love you.

I've loved you ever since we were kids and that sounds so stupid but it's so true. I loved your goofy glasses, your weird style, and your curly hair. Every time I saw you; I saw perfection. You might not think it but in my eyes; you were the definiton of perfect.

So, I love you Richie..I love you so much.

Now, I've said all of your names and I can't believe I just wrote this all out but, I love you all so much and if I die, please remember the good things and just know that I'm always here with you.

Also remember that...we're lovers not losers.


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