Chapter Two

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"He just vanished into nowhere!!"


"He could be anywhere!"


"Stop ignoring me, this is not something to be taken lightly! What if he's in danger?!"

"Well, first of all, he can respawn." Herobrine's blank expression doesn't change. "So how much danger could he really be in? And secondly, the only one other than me capable of teleporting people is Notch, and he wouldn't hurt him. Probably he just wanted him for something."

"Well... maybe." You tap your fingernails on the hilt of your sword. "But he looked surprised, if Notch had called him wouldn't he know??"

"Not necessarily." Herobrine sets his book aside, raising an eyebrow at you. "Notch's beard, Y/N, he's immortal. Why are you so worked up?"

"Because he's my friend, and he looked scared, and he could be hurt, and-" You rattle off, and he stands, raising a hand to cut you off.

"You're right, I'm sorry. You do have a right to be concerned." He steps over to your side and offers you his arm. "I'll help you search for him, and I'll send Manfred to look around the Nether."

"Thank you." You hook your arm around his. "Um, we should start with his base, maybe, if he died he'll have respawned there. And then we could ask Notch if he took-"

"We're not asking Notch." Herobrine interrupts. "Perhaps we can ask Alex if she's seen him."

"Ah, yeah." You've never met Alex, the other protector of Minecraft and Steve's counterpart. Apparently she wasn't that big a part of his life. "Do you know where she'd be?"

"I know where her base is. Manfred!" The Enderman appears beside you in a flash of purple light. "Steve has gone missing, please search for him in the surrounding area." Manfred makes an affirmative sound, and disappears again. "Hold onto me ." You grab his hand, and the two of you teleport to the Overworld.

"You sure we can't ask Notch?" You ask miserably.

"I'm sure. I'm not giving him any excuse to try to exterminate us again." Herobrine responds, poring over a map. "Besides, if Notch took him, I'm sure he'll make his way back here soon enough."

"Yeah, but..." You heave a sigh, resting your chin on your folded arms. "I just have a bad feeling."

"Which I respect. But often a feeling is just a feeling." Reaching over, he musses your hair with one hand. "It's getting late. Go get some rest."

"Are you coming up?" You ask, sliding off the chair onto your feet.

"Not right away, I'd like to finish categorizing these maps tonight. But I will be up soon enough." Pressing two fingers to his lips, he reaches over with them and touches your cheek, prompting a giggle. "I love you."

"I love you too." Turning away, you exit his study, enjoying the fluttery feeling in your chest for a minute. Heading up a staircase, you make your way to his room, which you now share.

You used to have your own quarters, and technically still do, but since you and Herobrine have gotten close you share a room and bed. You haven't... done marriage stuff or anything, just slept beside one another, and that's enough for you.

You change out of your long dress, swapping it out for a nightgown, before seating yourself on the edge of Herobrine's bed and leaning back on your hands. Probably best not to get your hopes up that he'll be finished before you're asleep. So, throwing a switch, you dim the glowstone lights and curl up on your pillow. Steve, please be safe, wherever you are.

A boot strikes him across the face, and Steve lets out a growl as he's startled awake.

"I'm always fascinated by your emotional capabilities." The man remarks, squatting down and grabbing his chin to force him to meet his eyes. "Gotta say, I don't really get why. Your job is to protect the world, fight the mobs, protect the players, right? Why are you so humanlike?" Steve just fixes him with a glare, unable to respond due to the piece of cloth tied tightly around his face.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot." He lets go of his chin, and Steve blinks as his captor reaches around and unties the gag. Licking his dry lips, Steve pulls back against the stone wall of his prison, watching the man warily. "Well? Why are you so humanlike? I'm waiting." The young man gives him a comfortable smile, and Steve snarls,

"Fall in the void."

"That's not very nice." Tsking, the man grabs him by the hair and pulls him forward, Steve jerking away but unable to fight back as his wrists are fastened firmly to the wall. His gag is replaced in an instant before he's released, and he slumps against the wall again.

"You know, with a little work, I bet I could break into your code." His captor remarks. "I could do anything with you. Change your personality, your memories, your functions..." A shudder runs through his body involuntarily, and the stranger laughs. "Yeah, didn't think so. So be a good AI and don't run unless I tell you to."

Straightening up again, the man flashes him one more grin before turning and exiting the cell, leaving him alone. Letting out a muffled sigh, Steve leans his aching head back against the cold wall. Notch is stronger than this thing, whatever it was, right? He'd find out what was going on and deal with it. And if he didn't... would Herobrine come after him? He was stronger, maybe...

Shaking his head, he closes his eyes. Nothing he can do but wait.

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