Boyfriend [Justin Bieber fan-fic]

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Hi everyone!!! How are you all? Well this is my new story that me and my best friend, Ezri Black, are writing. I hope you like it:)

Well..... You know what to do....


- Tori<3



Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugh! Stupid alarm clock! Shut up!" I yelled.

I then rolled out of bed and dragged myself to my bathroom.

I happened to looks at myself in the mirror and I looked HORRID!

Good thing I am taking a shower, I thought.

Once I was done in the shower I walked over to my closer to pick out what to wear.

I picked out my black strapless dress with a white bow around it, and it was all full of ruffles at the bottom. Then I grabbed my black flats and headed down the stairs.

I made myself some toast with Nutella on it, and headed off to school.

When I arrived I saw the football payers talking to the new kid.

He just thinks he is better than everyone else just because he is Justin Bieber, I thought in a snotty voice.

I parked my car and went into the office to return my permission slip, and I saw him.

"Bella!" Mrs. Michel yelled.

"Yes?" I asked turning around on one heel.

"Could you please show Mr. Bieber around for me?" she asked.

I sighed and said, "I guess. Come with me, now."

I then take him to his locker, which I right next to mine!!! Why me?!?!?

"Who's class do you have first?" I said a little snotty.

"Mrs. Hall for history. You?" Justin asks.

"Same here, let me get my stuff out of my locker then I can show you."

"Thanks! So... How do things work around here anyway?" he asked.

I explained the whole situation that is our school district.

"You guys run a tight ship around here, don't you?" he asked.

"Pretty much. You will get used to it," I say.

During history Justin started dating Talia.... She is not the greatest person ever.

"You are dismissed!" Mrs. Hall said.

I grabbed my things and headed for my locker.

I then stuffed my things in my locker and got my French stuff out.

"Hey Bella!" I heard someone yell.

I saw who it was.... Justin.

"Oh hi," I said.

"Hey so... What class now?" he asked.

"French," I said.

"You know I speak fluent French."

"Cool." man I hate this kid!

As we walked to French class together all he did was brag about his life. Class was boring as usual.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2012 ⏰

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