Part 9

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Mataji & SUjatha went to talk to Siddhant in his room.

Mataji: Siddhant why you came from Sangeet without even talking to anyone.

Siddhant: Mataji, you know she doesn't know to even dance.  You know how much i love dance right.

Mataji: SIddhant, dance is not going to be in day to day life.  See after this Sangeet where she is going to dance.  And Siddhant everyone does not know everything.  Infact I dont know dancing, your mother dont know dancing.

Sujatha: Yes Siddhant.  Dancing is not some needed criteria for life.  If yes. we might have not got married only.

They smiled.

Siddhant: Still Mataji, what if i go to some party where we need to dance?

Mataji: SIddhant, she is going to become your wife.  If you want you teach her.  SHe is smart enough that she will learn quickly.  Dont worry

Mataji & Sujatha convinced Siddhant for some more time.

Finally Siddhant agreed and returned normal.

Roli & Siddhant family reached the marriage hall.

Siddhant was waiting for his dress.

Siddhant: Maaji where is my dress?

Sujatha: Siddhant, it is with Roli only.  You are aware right that she took for designing.  

SIddhant: But i need to wear it now.  Why cant you bring it earlier itself?

Sujatha: What is there in it Siddhant? I will just bring now.  They are just in another room of the hall.

Sujatha rushed towards Roli room to bring his dress.

As soon as seeing Sujatha, ROli understood and gave Siddhant's dress to her.

Sujatha took it with a smile.

Sujatha went back to Siddhant and gave him the dress.

Siddhant: Maaji i dont like all these waiting and all.

Sujatha: Siddhant what happened to you? Why are you searching for reason to get upset?  What happened now?  What is your concern?

Siddhant: Not knowing Maaji.  Some sort of tension from the day of my marriage getting fixed.  Some sort of confusion whether she will be suitable to me.

Sujatha: Siddhant though you search in the whole world no one will match your expectation 100%.  We only need to accept the life partner with their own advantages & disadvantages.  

Siddhant: I dont know maaji.  How my mind is going to accept her!  Already on knowing she dont know dance my mind got upset.

Sujatha: We already told you right. It is not the big criteria.

Mataji entered the room.

Mataji: Sujatha & Siddhant the time of marriage is nearing where you both are talking all those again.

Sujatha: Mataji is right.  Siddhant get ready.


Sujatha & Mataji told Siddhant to get ready and went out of the room...


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