Chapter 2

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Kate took the last bite of her tiramisu. Bryce was already finished with his panna cotta. After she took the last bite she pulled his anniversary gift out of her purse. She handed him the small square box, "happy anniversary, babe."

Bryce took the box from her, "we said no gifts." Kate shrugged at him and smirked. Bryce opened the box, reading the card that lay on top, covering the gift "all my love, forever. Xoxo K." He examined the contents and his surprise couldn't be faked. "Is this," he trailed off. The shock registering on his face. "Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes," Kate answered.

Bryce picked up the small T shaped object from the box, a smile pulling at his lips. Kate quickly covered his hand, looking around to make sure no one had seen. "Your IUD. Kate, I meant what I said. I want to have children with you, but you said you weren't ready. I can wait."

"I know what I said," began Kate, "but it's something I want too. We've been married two years, I'm ready, we're ready"

Bryce smiled at her. He couldn't imagine having anyone else to share his life with. Kate was perfect. Realistically he knew she wasn't. They had their fights, nothing major, just the everyday things that come out when you live with someone. He loved her completely and knew how lucky he was to have her. Reaching inside his jacket pocket he pulled out a long narrow box. "For you," he stated simply.

Kate took the box from him. She knew they had both said no gifts. And she knew that they both hadn't meant it. She flipped open the box to reveal a Cartier bracelet, white gold with diamonds. "I love it," she exclaimed, and she did, but no matter how many years they'd been together, nearing 4 in total, she couldn't get used to the extravagant gifts.

Bryce was a self made man. His first company, A.I. Tech, that he had built with Connor had sold for 750 million dollars. Bryce and Connor split the sale price 50/50. Bryce invested a good chunk of that in his second company, Davidson Developments. It was a Realestate company, specialising in buying and developing old properties like hotels, spas and golfcourses. They were then renovated and sold at a much higher asking price. Bryce didn't have a clue about architectuur or construction, but he paid people good money to know this information for him. He was quietly becoming one of the biggest Realestate investors on the eastern seaboard and was quietly expanding his business into the European market. He came from humble roots. His family wasn't poor, but decidedly middleclass. Bryce grew up happy and content, but with a burning fire for more.

Despite the extravagant wealth he'd built up they lived simply, except for extravagant gifts and luxury vacations. They lived in a modest home in the outskirts of Philadelphia. With their wealth they could easily afford a 5th avenue penthouse in New York City, but they were happy in Philadelphia. Bryce travelled frequently and Kate, an editor for an online magazine, had the luxury of being able to travel with him sometimes.

"Let's go," Kate said. Bryce quickly settled the bill, paying in cash, tipping generously as always. He took Kate's hand and walked out of the restaurant into the warm autumn evening. Bryce wrapped his arm around Kate and pulled her into him. He helped her into the passenger side of his Porsche Cayenne and quickly got into the driver's seat.

"Do you want to go right home?" He asked. "We could stop at that new rooftop bar you've been talking about. What's it called again?"

"Fleur," she answered. "But no, let's just go home. Stacy and Ellen want to take me there next week to celebrate my birthday."

"That sounds like fun," he answered, putting the car into drive and starting the journey home. Their Chestnut Hill suburb was about a 30 minute drive from downtown Philly.

MagnetsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora