Time Is Not On Our Side When It Comes To The Full Moon

Start from the beginning

"So, what happened to the ronin you dealt with?"

"I have no idea, hopefully, they're hiding in a hole somewhere, not bothering people," I whispered as I checked the corner to make sure there weren't any guards about.

I gave the signal to Nobunaga to come closer and he then asked me.

"And now tonight, six random people appeared and they tried to kidnap you? why?"

"Well, my guess is, they probably thought that I was your woman and with the battles going on, not to mention with the big war coming up the Uesugi-Takeda forces, every daimyo in Japan will do whatever it takes to find your weakness and use it against you."

Nobunaga looked at me surprised and he said to me.

"You make it sound like you've been through this kind of experience before."

"Not me, Dominic did, when he was 18, he had every wo- uh, I mean, enemies coming after him, they thought I was his woman too and they tried to use me for a bargaining chip or a hostage, you won't believe how many times I had to escape from their clutches."

'Stupid! you nearly blew your cover!'

I scolded myself and then we got to the kitchen. Nobunaga looked impressed when I told him this and then we got to the kitchen. I went first and I checked to make sure no one was around and thankfully, no one was here.

"All clear."

I told him and then we got to the kitchen.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to stop me," Nobunaga said as he went to look for the sugar candy while I kept an eye out for the monkey.

"Well, believe it or not, after Dominic took me in, I used to sneak into the kitchen for a midnight snack as well, at first, I did get sloppy and Josh used to give me a right good scolding but, after a while, I was able to give him and Dominic the slip."

"You are a little weasel."

"I prefer vixen, but, thanks."

I spoke with a smirk before looking out of the door again. Nobunaga found the jar of sugar candy and he smiled in victory.

"Found it."

"Good work."

"Who's down there?" A familiar voice spoke up.

I sweat dropped when I realised it was Hideyoshi.

"Yikes! it's Hideyoshi! quick! hide!"

Nobunaga went into hiding while I distracted Hideyoshi. I got a cup and I poured water into it before Hideyoshi showed up.

"Alex, what are you doing here? shouldn't you be in bed after tonight's events?"

"I'm going but, I wanted a drink first and speaking of tonight's events, did you find the kidnappers that I knocked out?"

"I got to the location where they were but, they had already run off before I could arrest them, I don't know how you did it but, I think you've left them with some nasty bruises for a while."

"Well, that's what they get for trying to kidnap me."

I spoke with a smirk on my face before taking a sip of water. 

"Well, anyway, don't stay up too late, it isn't good for your health."

"Yes, 'Mother'."

I sarcastically said before Hideyoshi left the kitchen. Once he was gone, I peeked out of the kitchen to make sure he was gone. I smirked a little and I whispered.

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