Girl Meets First Guy

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It was one cold afternoon in Philadelphia and Maya was on the road with the Matthews.
Cory and Topanga are heading out to see Cory's family for a week while it wasn't fixed that Riley has to go to school and so on.
Maya didn't have any plans and Katy had to go somewhere so they decided to take the five year old with them.
Cory parks the car in front of he house and an elder couple with a eight year of pd comes out.

"Cornelius. How are you guys?" Alan asked as he greeted his son.
"I'm doing good. Thank you for allowing Maya to come with. Her mom doesn't have the time to actually get a babysitter so we have that duty. Hey Buddy," Cory said and picked Josh up.
"Yeah that's me," Cory said giving the little boy a hug while Riley and Maya climbed out of the car.

Josh sees the girl but doesn't pay much attention to her.
Cory puts him down as he goes to greet Topanga and his niece.
He looks at the girl and decided to try and give her a chance.

"Hi I'm Josh."
"Hi I'm Maya."

Topanga smiles as she realizes this is the first person Josh has actually talked to other than his niece.
Amy calls everyone in as Cory and Alan unload the car.

"So how long have they known each other?" Amy asked.
"A month. They are great friends though. Seems like your son is bonding with her."
"Which he doesn't do. Let's hope that stays a long time. He needs friends," Amy said.


Sorry for the short chapter but what did you guys think?
Was there really chemistry between Josh and Maya or is it too soon to tell?

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