Fighting For Love (Female Falco x Reader)

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Clinking glasses and cheers of joy fill the small Cornerian bar. The Starfox team had just finished a successful mission, to celebrate the group went out for a drink. Right next to you sat Falco. She was wearing just her jumpsuit (she left her jacket on The Great Fox). The shoulders of her red official Starfox unitard hung loosely on her elbows, exposing her bra straps but still covering the bird's rack. 

The two of you are definitely buzzed, but the avian girl is slightly more so. Downing another shot of whiskey, you are pretty sure its time to quit. Turning to her and putting your hand on Falco's shoulder, you manage to slur out some words, "Hey... we should probably go home. I think we had a little too much to drink."

She looks at you and nods, "Yeah, you right."

You tilt your head slightly, "My place is closer, that okay?"

She nods again, "Yep. That works fine." Then she stands up drunkenly and wobbly. You stand up and support her before the bird has a chance to fall. "Thanks," she says heat rising on her face. The two of you stumble out and walk to your home. You mumble in conversation with each other. It mostly consists of Falco saying how she's going to throw up and you telling her to save it for your apartment's bathroom.

Remembering a usually safe shortcut, you direct her towards an alleyway. She makes a joke about getting mugged causing you to laugh a little too loudly. Your ears twitch to the sound of footsteps behind you. Turning around, your heart immediately sinks deep into your abdomen, "Je suis dans certains profond merde!" Your french skills aren't going to save you though, not from Ms. Wolf O'Donnell it won't.

"Oh, hey~! It's good to see you two... especially you, (Name)." It was known within the team that Wolf had some weird fixation on you. Maybe it was because you were newer? Perhaps she just saw something particular in you? You weren't quite sure. "Say~," she says coming close to you, "why don't you ditch the pigeon and come hang with me?" You are at a loss for a response. Would she kill you if you declined? Would she still even if you accepted? 

Now her body was rubbing against yours, a burning heat growing on your face. Out of nowhere, Falco starts to growl. "Step away from him!" She says while wrapping a wing around your arm, "He. Is. Mine!" You are confused yet thrilled at the situation. Two girls fighting over you sounds nice, but they are both dangerous women and no one is leaving without a fight. Returning the growl, Wolf punches Falco making the bird stumble back. She falls and starts leaning on a dumpster. 

Falco rushes back at Wolf hitting her with a knee to the stomach. As the lupine tries to hold her abdomen together, the azure bird punches her across the cheek. You are in shock, you want to help but you can't. Damn this cowardice! Wolf sweeps Falco's leg making the avian land on her back. First, she stomps on Falco's ribs, air squeezing out of Falco's lungs. Then Wolf starts to straddle Falco and punch her over and over again. By this time, fur and feathers are all over the place. Crimson liquid stains both of their clothes and faces.

Seeing Falco so hurt and remembering what she said that started all of this, you began to spring into action. Running at the lupine beating on Falco, you jump-kick Wolf sending her flying and slamming into a few trash cans. The lupine is knocked out from it, good. Looking at Falco, you can't help but grimace. Blood trickles down her face from her nostrils (her feathers stained from it), her eyes are closed, and her jumpsuit is torn in some places. You kneel by her, putting your hand behind her head to elevate it. You grab a handkerchief from your pocket (you keep it whenever you go drinking) and dab up the thick red liquid. 

She opens her eyes as you clean her up. You swiftly put away the cloth and pick her up bridal style. You start to sprint to your home, trying not to shake Falco too much. It begins to rain and you hold her closer. Finally, you make it to the door of your apartment building. Before you can, Falco snatches the keyring out of your pocket. Luckily for her, and because you always forget, you labeled all your keys. 

She unlocks the front door allowing you to access the stairs. You began walking swiftly up them, trying not to wake the neighbors. Soon you make it to apartment 15, Falco unlocks the door as you walk in. Closing the door with your leg, you gently place the avian on your comfy couch and run to the bathroom. Opening the medicine cabinet, you grab your makeshift first aid kit and move back to the beaten bird. 

Crouching down beside her, you hold her hand in yours. "Where does it hurt? What did she do to you?" She cringes and points to her face. As you inspect it for cuts or bruises, a winged hand suddenly wraps around the back of your head. It pulls you down, forcing your and Falco's lips to crash together. Neither of you breaks the act of love, neither of you want to. But air calls and you separate. You are huffing as she smirks.

"I'm alright. My tough beak took the punches and my clothes took the brunt of the scratches." She says inspecting the damages, "Speaking of, do you have any spare pajamas I could wear until tomorrow?" You nod and go into your room. As you look through your drawer, the pitter-patter of footsteps sounds behind you. Turning around, Falco stands in the doorway with a hand clutching her side. 

Grabbing the sleepwear you walk over to Falco, "A little more hurt than you thought, eh?" She huffs and sits on your bed. You toss the clothing to her. She waves her hand as if dismissing you from your own room. 

A little later you're called back in, "(Name), get in here!" You walk in to Falco in her undergarments. Instinctively, you cover your eyes. "I um... need help. It's too painful to put them on myself." Removing your hands, you first grab the pants. She painfully lifts her legs as you slide on the bottoms. She doesn't notice as you briefly size up her buxom body. You grab the shirt she raises her arms and you slide on the top.

"Jesus, am I your mother or something?" The sarcasm in your voice is obvious as she scoffs. Falco pulls you on top of her, the two of you now lying on your bed. "Guess we're going to snuggle asleep, huh?" She just smiles and kisses you again. 

"I love you, (Name)."

"I love you too, Falco."

Female Starfox x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now