*the next day*
I woke up too slightly kisses on my stomach from Alex I giggled a bit because it tickled then I started running my fingers though his hair
N-babe that tickles
A-ik this was a way to get you up
He stopped kissing my stomach and kissed my lip and kept pecking them as he got up then help me up and pulled me close to as he held me by my waist and he smelled hella good
N-is that the Cologne ur mom gave you
A-yea I ran out of my other one
N-it smells hella good
A-Ik right
He smiled at so I smiled back and kissed then went to the bathroom got some clothes and changed

*the next day*I woke up too slightly kisses on my stomach from Alex I giggled a bit because it tickled then I started running my fingers though his hair N-babe that tickles A-ik this was a way to get you up He stopped kissing my stomach and kissed...

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I put my hair in a high and put on some lip gloss then Alex came in wearing this

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I put my hair in a high and put on some lip gloss then Alex came in wearing this

*without the waffles*He came behind me as I fixed myself A-so you decided to wear ur crocs when I wear mine N-how was I supposed to know A-you still limping N-yea why A-Nothin but now you know not to run from me N-shut up I was only running becaus...

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*without the waffles*
He came behind me as I fixed myself
A-so you decided to wear ur crocs when I wear mine
N-how was I supposed to know
A-you still limping
N-yea why
A-Nothin but now you know not to run from me
N-shut up I was only running because the feeling was over powering me
A-yea ok
I turned at looked at him and he kissed me
A-love you
N-yea love you too
He smiled at then grabbed my hand and we walked out the bathroom grabbed our stuff the left

*at the wear house*
Alex carried me inside because I didn't feel like limping inside everyone stared and Alex made me mad in the car so I wasn't in the mood
they quickly looked away and kept doing wht they where doing Alex walked over to the couch and sat me down next to Sam and he laid on top of me
N-Alex get off me
S-girl why you in such a bad mood this morning
N-fucking..Alex dumb ass
A-I throw her drink out the window on the way here because she was ignoring me
S-Alex ur just dumb
N-Alex I'm serious get off me
A-I'm srry
N-Alex plz just get off me!!
I pushed him off me got up and started walking to the back but Alex got up and pulled me by my arm to turn me around and hug me but I just put me hands on his arms so I didn't fall because we was rocking back and fourth then he backed me up to a wall
A-i said I'm srry about 30 times already you can have mine wht does it have to take for you to stop being made at me
N-we sure urs and I wanna kiss
He leaned down and kissed me causing me to smile in the kiss and I slowly wrapped me arms around his neck
He pulled away from the kiss and picked me up and took me back to the couch and sat me back down
A-I have a meeting in about 20 minutes so I can sat in there with me or you can stay out here with Gio,Brandon,and Diego
N-nah I'll come in there with you
Alex went over to the boys while we waited

*at the meeting*
I was sitting on Alex lap leaning over the table on me phone scrolling though instagram when I felt Alex tap the side of me thigh so I looked up at him
A-he asked you a question
I turned back to face the guy and saw him gime a sight smile
N-wht was ur question
??-how long have you and Alex been together
N-a year and 2 months
??-you really settled down Alex especially with a cute one
I felt Alex grip my hip trying not to show his anger
N-whts ur name if I may asks
N-well mark guess wht
N-I have my eye on one person and you definitely ain't the person I got my eye on ur just not my...Type but I'm taken anyways so you can stop trying to flirt
Everyone let out and quiet laugh and I felt Alex loosen his grip as he chuckled
N-thx for the complement tho
I Smirked at him the looked back at my phone
I could still see him starting at me from the corner of me eye so I looked up and smirked at him again as I saw his jaw clench
A-ok eye up here now
As he looked at Alex I looked back at me phone when Alex mom called me but my phone was on silent so I got off Alex lap and walked out the room
*otp with gala*now play the song
Am-Nova*sounds scared*
N-yea what's wrong
Am-idk wht happened Aurora was taking a nap when I noticed she wasn't breathing
N-wdym she wasn't breathing*her voice starts shaking*
Am-she just wasn't breathing
N-I'm on my way*she starts crying*
I don't even let her get to saying anything I just hung up and ran back inside everyone looked at me but I didn't care I ran to Alex and whispered in his ear
N-we have to to the hospital*whispers*
A-why And why are you crying
N-Aurora isn't breathing*whispers and looks in Alex's eyes*
A-aye one of y'all take over from me
He quickly got up and we ran to the door
Alex slammed the door door us and we ran out to the car

*at the hospital*
Me and Alex jump out the car and ran inside the first person I saw was gala walked around we walked up to her and she had tears in her eyes she immediately hugged us then pulled away
A-wht happened
Am-they said she that she put a penny in her mouth and when she went to sleep she swallowed it and it got stuck but there's a 50-50 percent chance she'll make it
After that I immediately broke down but before I could hit the ground Alex Caught me and hugged me
A-shh she ok everything is gonna be fine*his voice cracks*
I felt wet drops on my shoulder so i knew he was crying but was trying to stay strong for all of us but me on the other had no Aurora is my world and I don't know what I'll do with out her

*1 hour later*
We where all sitting down I had bit all my nails off because I was scared I did get cold so Alex went to the car and got me one of his hoodies but right we are just wait for the doctor to come out
A-you ok
N-not really
A-shes fine I promise
Doc-Parents of Aurora Guzman
Me and Alex quickly stood up and the doctor walked over to us


The gang leader I fell in love with 😍 {Alex Guzman}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant