"W-Why do you want me...I'm terrible...I couldn't even protect you..." The villain sobbed, his body quaking with hiccuping gasps. "I was there...I could see everything but I couldn't move...I couldn't breathe." His eyes were wide and distant, his voice rising in pitch and growing more hysteric. "I was right there, Boxy...I was there but it was like I was chained down...like I was drowning but I wouldn't fucking die!" 

Boxman didn't like the way he said that last part, almost wistful. 

     "I would flail and I would beg but he would pin me down and taunt me! And I would cry and I would scream but no one could hear me because He was there." His breathing was ragged and his hands strained against Boxman's grip, fingers twitching like they wanted nothing more to return to their previous station and dig back into the villain's arms. Then, Venomous looked up, his eyes landing on the cyborgs. 

Boxman was struck with the foolish and random thought that Venomous always looked good. Even when he was crying he was the image of perfection, with his eyes just a little red and wide, his cheeks flushed and his voice raised and quavery. 

     "Boxy, I asked him to send you away." 

And Boxman froze. 

     "I asked him to make you leave...he had already trapped Fink, he'd threatened to hurt her if I stepped out of line. So I told him that you would only slow down the factory's progress. I told him that we would be better off if you left." His breathing was erratic, his chest heaving and his eyes distant as if he was elsewhere. "I just needed you to be safe. If you were far away from a monster like me, you would be safe." 

Boxman felt a rush of love for the man before him. What had he done to get a guy like this?

     "You know, when I was trapped there, watching Shadowy destroy everything I cared about, I almost hoped that someone would kill me. I remembered sitting there, drowning in that endless sea of dark, and wishing that someone would just end me then and there. 

Before the villain could continue, he found himself enveloped in a tight hug. 

Venomous hesitated for a second, still convinced that he would hurt everyone he cared for. 

     "I love you. I love you. I will always love you. Monster or not. You mean more to me than anything else." Boxman murmured. 

And then Venomous let out a broken sob and wrapped his arms around his lover. 

Both of them fell to the soft, carpeted ground, Venomous on his knees and Boxman squeezing him with a comforting hug. 

They stayed like that for a while, both crying and whispering sweet nothings to each other. 

Finally, Venomous managed to catch his breath and dry his tears. 

They parted, looking at each other.

Then, Venomous grabbed the other by his coat and pulled him into a kiss. It was sweet and passionate, almost chaste in how much it reflected love instead of lust. 

When they pulled apart for breath, Venomous pulled him to his feet. 

They made their way to the bedroom they shared. 

They sat in bed together, Venomous leaning on his elbow and looking down at his lover. 

     "P.V., you know that I love you, right? And that I don't blame you?" 

Venomous looked away and nodded hesitantly. 

    "Honey, you know that you are worthy of this, of all of this, right?" Boxman motioned to the room as he spoke. 

Venomous looked down. 

     "I want to believe that...I really do." He looked up again, a few stray tears slipping from his eyes. "And I'm trying to! I am! But...I can't help but lie in bed at night and remember everything I did. Every terrible thing I've done. It just spirals in my head over and over and I feel so bad.

Boxman placed a hand under the scientist's head, making him look up. 

     "I can't make that stop, not unless you help me. But I want nothing more than to make you happy. I will do anything I can to help you." 

Venomous pulled the other villain into a kiss again. 

     "I want to help you. I'll try. I promise. I'll try to do better."

Boxman gave a little laugh, a kind one. 

    "First things first, you need to sleep." 

Venomous gave a chuckle in return. 

     "Yeah, let's go to bed."

They curled up together, Boxman being the little spoon, as usual. 

And for the first time in a long time, Venomous fell asleep and had no nightmares. He didn't dream of drowning in that endless sea of black. He just slept. 

Hey! You made it! Hope you enjoyed this! I just like to imagine that P.V. would be pretty beat up over everything. Anyways, feel free to leave a suggestion, they are always appreciated. I WILL NOT WRITE SMUT, just to get that out of the way. 

See ya'll next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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