A New Home?

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C.S's point of view

"My home?" I asked and looked around At the town.

"Of course weren't you just created?"


"You were just made you are the source of the lighting."

"I don't know I woke up from Thunder."

"Well then you probably were but you don't look like anyone we have seen before." He started to head down the hill and I carefully follow watching my step as I went down.

"Everyone will be excited we haven't had a new Steve in a while."

Soon we reached the village. A lot of blue Steves were around looking at me.

"Who is that?"

"Why does it look so werid?"

"Is it going to kill us?"

Everyone from the town it seems like was gathering around me. Looking at me. One came up to me and touched my hand like I was a thing.

"Everyone this is a new Steve her name is C.S" Everyone backed away when they heard him speak.

"What do you mean a new Steve It probably isn't even a Steve look at it." Some Steve's nodded in agreement.

"I don't know guys she looks really nice." A blue Steve said and came up to me. (This is Blue Steve who befriends Rainbowsteve.)

"T...Thanks I am C.S."

"C.S? Why aren't you named after your color shouldn't you be called... Grey Steve?" He asked.

"all I have is this not and it said it was to me and it was written down as C.S."

"Everyone she will be staying with us until she can find out what she wants to do or learn her powers."


"You'll see. Blue Steve can you get around?"

"Of course C.S come with me."

"Alright." I said as I followed him.

(Time Skip)

"Well that's everything." He said as we got to the edge of the village.

"Thanks this means a lot I don't think the other Steve's like me that much."

"Yeah they aren't very good with change." He said the pointer to an empty area.

"You can Build a house here."

"So I make t out of snow?"

"yep here Take this." He handed me a stone shovel and some wood.

"I can help you out just start by collecting snow." I nodded and went a little bit outside of the village borders and started to collect snow.

"Hey how big do you want it?"

"I don't know how big is a normal house?"

"5 by 6 blocks that's is three blacks high."

"Let's do that then." Soon I think I collected enough snow for the house. Out of instinct I made a crafting table and made blocks of snow.

"You already know how to do that?"

"I think so... I don't know how I already know this."

"Werid but hey at least you know."

Soon we made the house it actually looks pretty good for being made it of snow.

"That was fun thank you for helping me out."

"Yeah I wish someone did that for me."

"How long have you been here?"

"I was the newest Steve for a long time so not too long."

"Cool." I said as I put a door to complete it.

"Here." He gave me a blue bed.

"Sorry but we never had a Steve here that wasn't the color blue."

"Thanks and that's understandable." I went inside and put the bed down.

"You act a lot older than you actually are."

"I do?"

"Yeah, So did you spawn in with anything other than that book?"

"Yes I did a grey Shulker box."

"let's see what's inside it." I placed it down and opened it up. Inside there were a few things. A Diamond Pickake, Sword, and boots. All filled with really good enchantments. Inside was also a Fishing rod and A bow with a stack of arrows also filled with the best enchantments.

"So what inside?" I Put the book inside for safe keeping everything inside was label at my name C.S and whatever the object was called. Except the fishing rod it was labeled. G.S's Gift. I guess me and whoever G.S is was a really good friend.

"Take a look." I said as he looked inside.

"What the?! No one spawns with stuff that good. He took out the book and read it.

"Hmmm." He said after reading it and put the book back inside.

"Are you sure you spawned in?"

"I don't know this note says other wise."

"Well then if that's true that means you must of been important to a green Steve?"

"Green Steve?"

"Yeah at least that is what it looks like it stands for."

"Are there green Steve's nearby?"

"No they live in jungles not snowy places like this. Well anyway it's late you should get some rest we can talk more tomorrow."


"Of course!" Then he left the room. With my thoughts I payed in the bed and went to sleep ready to find out what tomorrow will be like.


Well for the one person that read this. Thank you for reading this. I hope you like it so far! :)

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