3. The Memories Remain

Start from the beginning

"ASSBERT! Are you going to text Morgenne now? You'll only forget later if you don't do it!" Jake yelled out from his room, which sorta startled Selozar, and Albert noticed it. "I'm on it, goddammit!" He slightly yelled back at him, upset that Selozar got a tiny bit frightened. He never was a fan of anybody doing anything to his angel. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna text them for the thing, okay?" He sees Selozars response as a small nod, his own hand gently ruffling his hair then left over to his room where he was charging his phone near a desk besides the bed the two share.

Albert removes the charger connecting from his phone then begins to text his friend for their little plan of the game night. He first sends a message if she'll be busy next week, and so their conversation through texting began. Luckily she responded quickly, took a small time but it was still quick.


Are you busy in a week?

I'm not sure, I don't know when I have my next day off. Why?

We were planning a game night for all of us.
We wanted to invite you too with the others.

That sounds like fun, I'll have to check in to see when I have a day off.

Alright then, if it's a yes then please tell me if anybody is allergic to anything.

Alright, text you later. Also, no. We're all good.

Albert was near to turning off his phone until he saw that he hadn't texted Rust in a while. Maybe he might be interested in the game night we're having next week, he thought in his head while his finger was close to pressing Rust's messages he had in the past weeks. But he had his doubts, Rust causing trouble during the night. The death threats he says, those stares and smiles he gives, those creepy messages and experiences he does. Or even describing what he did to his last victim. That wouldn't be fun for a game night.

He didn't want to decide this choice. It felt pretty difficult to pick something. Although suddenly he heard his phone ding by a new received message from Morgenne. He taps on it and reads her newest message in his head, sorta muttering some words.


I might have the day off next week.

Maybe then?

Yeah, it is a maybe.

I'll probably see you someday then, take care of yourself.

Albert puts the phone back to charge on the desk in their room. He went out of the room over to Jake's room but before walking there, his hand ran through Selozars hair, signaling him he's coming back in a second.

"Jake." Albert called out to his friend, answering what he needed in his normal tone. "I already texted Morgenne, since you probably would have kept on yelling at me to text her." Albert says, standing still and slightly moving his arms, there was just this small awkward feeling he's always felt if he ever talked alone to him. But he didn't let that get in the way of his friendship with him. He did not want anything to happen. "Good job Albert, all by yourself." Jake said then Albert told him to shut up.

The next thing Albert does is exit out, going back over to Selozar who was looking at the scrapbook pictures. Not alone, but with Kimmy and Leo who were laying down close to him, earning gentle pets between their sharp ears, soft purrs hearable. "I'm back." Albert sits back down, putting his arm around Selozar. "She said it is a maybe. I can't wait for that game night." Albert added in, sounding so happy, as well for sounding like he'll burst into excitement at any moment.

"I'm excited too." Selozar said then felt Albert hug him. That hug turned into a kiss attack all over his face, he eventually pulled away after kissing him on the lips. "I'm just happy to spend time with you and all the others." Albert told him as he gazed into his eyes without a stop to it. "I understand." Selozar smiles brightly, then feels Albert kiss him on the forehead gently.

He then went back with Selozar into looking at their memories in the scrapbook. When they got into that, they constantly flirted or mostly just Albert did that. They still ate their snacks too, but Albert did give some of his to Selozar. "Thanks." Selozar says with a small blush, leaning back down on Albert, as he held one of his hands gently. "You're welcome." Albert lightly pushes against him, wishing he could hug him but this was more than okay for him.

"I-I love you, Al..." Selozar told him, then giving Albert a kiss on his cheek. "I love you too." Albert responded back, he really felt the feeling he felt towards him, it felt enjoyable and lovable at the same time. "You're my Selozar." Albert smiles brightly, always sounding trustworthy, keeping him close as the two continued on gazing into their memories that still remained in their hearts.

"I'm yours..." He quietly says snuggles against him for affection. Although he only made his own self embarrassed. Albert held his hand anyways, always reminding him he will be there to help him through something and protect him no matter what. Then he grabbed one of the pillows he brought over to the couch, he carefully placed it under both of their hands so they wouldn't feel tired of having it in the air a bit.

"Do you need anything else?" Albert checks up on Selozar, seeing his response was a no telling by how he shook his head. "I'm good, b-but thank you." He said lowly, looking back at the pictures taken in the scrapbook. "Okay, angel." Albert nuzzles his cheek against Selozars head then plants a kiss on there yet again.

"Al.." Selozar called his name out from the kiss he loved. "Hm? Does my precious Selozar want more kisses instead?" Albert questioned in a half lowered tone to tease him. "M-Maybe..." Selozar says shyly, hiding his face from the embarrassment that started to grow again. Albert puts one of his arms around Selozar carefully, slightly pushing his head closer to his own. The next thing he does is gently kiss him on his cheek. "It's a yes or a no, Selozar." He told him, pretending he was going to give him another kiss on the lips but he didn't do it.

"A-Albert, yes..." Selozar whispered out, then feeling Albert kiss him on his lips. Their blissful kiss lasted a little longer than usual, but eventually Albert had to pull away and make sure Selozar felt okay. "Are you okay, angel?" Albert asked in a gentle tone as he held his hand carefully, gazing back in his eyes. "Yeah, with you I am." Selozar responded a little less shy, which was still cute for Albert.

"That's good, I want to make sure you're always feeling okay." Albert told him, giving a small kiss on his nose. "And I can't stop loving you either." He added in his sentence, seeing Selozar react a little flustered. "Thank you.." He didn't stare away, he tried sticking his eyes on his boyfriend. "I-I can't stop loving you too, Al." He muttered but Albert heard it, told by his cheerful noises.

Albert gives one final kiss on Selozars cheek, then holding his hand back. "Alright alright, we'll look at the scrapbook now since that's what you wanted to do." Albert said, continuing to look down at the pictures with Selozar. They both saw another truly wonderful memory in the house during their own little Christmas party with the other six, smiling. All of them were there, nobody of the friends was left out and hoped nobody ever will in the unknown future.

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