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"SO, LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT, I ended my six hour long campaign with the guys from work just so I could teach King Steve, Russian?"

As they surrounded Keith from his spot sitting on a chair in the backroom of Scoops Ahoy, the three teens and Dustin looked at him sheepishly. They nodded half heartedly not sure if that was the real reason but still not trying to beat around the bush.

"We could all actually learn Russian." Dustin chimed in from his spot in between Frankie and Steve.

Robin rolled her eyes at the younger kid. "What Dingus Jr here means is that we need you to translate this message."

"The Russian message." Steve blurted out before backtracking as Robin elbowed him in the side.

Keith stared Steve down with a glare and even though King Steve wouldn't have been scared, the regular Steve that was standing in the backroom of Scoops rubbed his neck uncomfortably. With that, Keith rose from his seat with a groan.

"Frankie, this is ridiculous. I'm going home."

Grabbing his arm as he started to walk towards the exit, Frankie quickly went to stand in front of him and his way out. He stared at the window separating the back to the front of the restaurant, not looking anywhere near her.


He still wasn't looking down at her and Frankie pushed a piece of hair behind her ear nervously.


She grabbed both his hands with hers and tugged lightly to get him to look at her.

"Keith, please."

Keith Cardarople and Franny Walsh have been friends since the beginning of time, well that's what Frankie would tell anyone if they asked how long they've been friends for. In reality they've been each other's best friend since middle school, but it's honestly felt longer than that. They knew each other's tell tale signs which is why when Keith looked down at Frankie just then, he could tell she was being completely serious and actually did need his help.

"Stop looking at me like that." He muttered with a roll of his eyes going back to the seat he was previously inhabiting.

"Way to go Cardarople." Robin let out with a teasing grin.

"Yeah, yeah, you both owe me an ice cream." He huffed out while opening the English to Russian dictionary laying on the table.

"How about some USS Butterscotch for the ol' Keithster?" Steve called out excitedly as he raced to the front of the store, flipping his scooper as he went.

HOUNDS OF LOVE ♡ STEVE HARRINGTON (2)Where stories live. Discover now