For friend

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After a long hectic weekend, I was delighted when my friend asked me to join him for the TCS quiz. I always had a knack for computers. There was a burning desire to test my knowledge learn new things.

Dozens of computers sat on the wooden-desks that stick to white-tiled walls. A group of ten students grabbed the stools and formed a semi-circle around the leader, every one of us was selected by our teachers or recommended by the leader who participated in last year's quiz. Everyone was doing their best. They were enthusiastically absorbing the 'so-called' dry facts. Witnessing such passion also fired me up.

However, one day the principal announced that the school won't be sending students for the quiz. Everyone was devasted. Making up our minds, everybody pleaded to the principal. To our respite, the principal agreed but with a condition: only few students can go.

"Hey Tarun! Can you please let me go? I really want to. . ." My friend, who introduced me to the event, asked me. I could tell that he was almost desperate.

"But I also. . ."

"I know! However, I have been wanting to do this for a long time. Even though it's not correct for me to ask this as I was the one who introduced you, but still. . ."

I also really want to you know? But I guess he really wants this huh. I let out a small breath. "Thik h bhai (sure bro)."

And so, I passed on the chance to him. He thanked me profusely, and I was glad to help my friend.


Not the best one but here's a try. . .

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