Flower Fields and Made Up Minds

Start from the beginning

"Good morning and I thank you for coming on short notice. I wanted to have this conversation outside of court." He said sitting back in his chair. This statement caused the experienced attorney to cock his head to the side in confusion. Having private conversations were not traditional and could possibly cause a problem with the other side.

"Your Honor, with all due respect, I can't say I'm entirely comfortable having anything not in open court. It could give the other side fuel against us and with my clients already accused of dishonesty, I can't say this looks appropriate." The attorney said. "I just want to keep everything ethically."

A small smirk crossed the old judge's lips, "I respect your ethical obligation to my court but I assure you this is all just fine." He then turned towards the nervous looking couple. "Now Mr. Quinn, Ms. Thompson, I have put a lot of thought into what you have requested. I've gone over all of Shiloh's school and medical records and I've come to the conclusion that she is a very bright child that was simply given a bad hand by life. And it seems like you two gave her the very best."

Skylar's heart was beating so fast as the judge spoke. From what he was saying it seemed like he was on their side. She gripped Brian's hand so tightly. Clearing his throat Judge Harrison continued, "However I can't ignore you lying on an official document either and unfortunately that is what you had done that led us here."

Skylar and Brian felt like they were on a roller coaster that was never going to stop. One second this judge is complimenting them and the next he is bringing up the same mistake they were sick to death of hearing about. Skylar couldn't take it another second, not when they were this close. She refused to stay quiet another minute. "Your Honor, may I address that?" She interrupted.

"Ms. Thompson that won't be necessary. I've already made up my mind." Judge Harrison interjected.

"But please!" She exclaimed feeling her tears begin to pool.

"It won't make a difference." Judge Harrison said over her.

"But I just find it unfair that Shiloh and Brian have to suffer for something I...." she began to yell over the judge feeling her emotions get the best of her.

"Skylar!" Brian yelled trying to control his fiancé who clearly didn't remember she was speaking to a judge.

"Skylar that's enough!" Their attorney said trying to quiet her down.

"I just want to..." Skylar kept pestering wanting to desperately to get her feelings heard. She would do anything to fix this.

"Enough!" Judge Harrison's voice yelled out. Once he saw the look of fright on the young woman's face he couldn't hold in his smile any longer. "You certainly have guts Ms. Thompson, no one has ever spoken to me like that...well unless you count my wife." He chuckled. Brian and Attorney Garrison exchanged uneasy looks. "Anyways..." the judge continued, "As I was saying I've already made up my mind and nothing you say will change my mind." He then rose from his chair and walked over to a door that led to an empty conference room.

As they watched him walk out of the room momentarily, Skylar's face fell into her hands and she began to sob. This was their last chance and she had completely blown it AGAIN.

Suddenly Judge Harrison was back but this time he had someone with him. "You've gotta be kidding me!" Skylar heard her love blurt out next to her feeling him get up and leave the chair he was just sitting in.

Quickly she looked up and couldn't believe her eyes. "Shiloh!!" She cried out jumping from her seat and quickly made her way to the small child's side who Brian was already hugging. As Brian lifted her up in his arms Skylar kept kissing her head over and over again.

Judge Harrison smiled seeing how happy all three of them were together. This was the great part of his job. He came around standing in front of them embracing. "Like I said, my mind was already made up."

"Really?!" Brian said looking up and locking eyes with Judge Harrison still holding on tightly to the little girl he missed so much.

"Absolutely." He answered. "I see a lot of families everyday come through the courts and I have never seen anything like your story. You...you are Shiloh's parents and no mistake on a stupid form is going to change that."

As Skylar took Shiloh from Brian's arms hugging her as tight as she physically could, Brian stuck his hand out to shake the judge's. "I can't thank you enough for this."

"I am going to get the paperwork expedited for adoption." Judge Harrison added.

Brian was doing his best to keep it together but now hearing that he knew his eyes were misting over.

"Can we go home already?!" Shiloh yelled out, her smile finally returning after so many weeks of torture.

All four adults in the room burst out laughing. Brian quickly returned to the side of his girls putting a hand on each of their backs and kissed both of them. "Yes baby, we're going home!" He said looking at the woman he loved so deeply who was still crying. Finally he had both his girls back and was never letting them go again.

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