'you look me in the eyes say that we will stay for life'

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The day has come.

It has been 2 years since Brad went to Paris without her, 2 years since the bump in their relationship.

Ever since then both persons have been doing well.

In fact they never have been better.

Today was the day that they will say 'I do'.

The couple had went out for their date night one week.

He knew what was planned for tonight, however she was clueless.

He was anxious the whole dinner although he done his best not to show it.

But she noticed. She noticed everything about him. She could read him like a book after all.

A few times she asked was he feeling okay but he said he was fine.

She decided to leave it as she knew he would talk about it when he was ready. She didn't want to force it on him.

A jazz band came on stage of the posh restaurant he had brought her to.

She would much rather be lying in his clothes in their bed, eating a Chinese as she cuddled to him whilst they watched a random movie.

Brad stood up and went round, kneeling on one knee next to her chair.

Tears already made their way to her eyes.

'I have loved you since the moment I laid my eyes on you. You are the light of my life. So many times I wanted to give up but you are the one thing that kept me going. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I wouldn't be able to have a life without you. You're the one I want to grow old with and have a family with. So, will you marry me?'

The whole restaurant was silent, mainly because there was only the works and a hand full of couples as it was a Wednesday night.

Brad was now shaking.

His eyes by now were full of tears, her eyes releasing her own tears too.

'Yes!' She exclaimed.

He slipped the ring on her finger before they both stood up and embraced each other.

As she got her makeup done for her big day, the memory flooded her mind making her smile.

There was no doubt that they were meant to spend their lives together.

He was just as nervous as the night he proposed. He felt as though he was proposing all over again.

The two got ready separate; her in the villa they would be spending the next 2 weeks and him in his parents hotel room.

They had decided to go to Barbados to seal their relationship seeing as Barbados had such an important place in both their hearts, and in their relationship.

His palms grew sweaty as he sat in the car on his way to the ceremony.

They were getting married on the beach. A dream for both of them; they had always talked about getting married on a beach from the beginning of their relationship and now it's finally happening.

As he awaited her arrival with the few guests consisting of his parents and sister, his best men and their partners and her bridesmaids partners. They were also joined by a few family members from both parties.

Of course Brad has selected no other than his 3 band members to be his best men; they were like his brothers.

Panic flashed over Brad and he started to doubt whether she would turn up. What if this wasn't what she wanted?

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