Getting In

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We were on the way to Maalik's house, going to try to get in. On the way, Chris and Trey were arguing about who the strongest was. I just sat in the back and laughed.

"Look, all I'm saying is, it is scientifically proven that I'm stronger than you," Chris said, driving.

"How is that scientifically proven? Please explain that to me," Trey laughed. I giggled at the arguement.

"Cause when we were chosen, Melinda said my name first. 'We will send our two strongest men, and that would be Chris and Trey,'" Chris said, mocking me.

"Don't bring me into this!" I said. Trey looked back at me.

"You really think he's stronger than me?" he asked. I shook my head no while saying somethng totally different. Trey caught on.

"Of course I think he's stronger than you," I said, just to shut Chris up.

"And there we have it," Chris said, finally shuting up. Me and Trey looked at each other, and let out a huge laugh.

"Aww, y'all ain't even right for that," Chris said, smirking.

We finally pulled up to the house, and it was pretty cool. We walked up the steps and Chris knocked on the door. A big, dark, husky man answered the door.

"How can I help you guys?" he asked, his voice deep.

"We're here to see Maalik," Chris said. The man turned around and called Maalik. He came to the door.

"What's up? How can I help you?" he asked. He was cute, but I couldn't let him get to me.

"Uh, we heard about your group, and-," Trey began. Suddenly, Maalik pulled a gun. We all backed up.

"You will keep your mouth shut about whatever you think this group is about," Maalik said, in a low, husky whisper.

"Chill bruh, we just want to be apart of it. Me and my bro here," Chris said. Maalik put his away and apologized.

"Sorry man. It's just that the police have been on my butt for the past few months," he said. He welcomed us in, and the boys were quickly escorted to another room. I just sat down on the couch. I paged Mr. Smith and told him that we were in...

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