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alexia ⤵︎

i was walking to my first period when i heard some screaming. it was mattia's voice. i run into the crowd of people and there he was, mattia but he wasn't alone, josh was there too.

"i swear to god, josh, next time you hurt her you're dead" i heard mattia. he had josh grabbed by the neck of his shirt. josh didn't even resisted, but if he wanted, mattia could be bleeding laying on the floor, josh is stronger than him, physically talking.

josh made visual contact with me, and i instantly felt my heart beating fester. how could he have this power still? he fucking dumped me!

mattia looked at me too and i denied with my head before leaving the crowd of people. i really don't know what to do with him anymore, i told him not to confront josh, and what is the first thing he does? confront josh.

i heard how mattia yelled my name, but i kept walking, ignoring him.

"oh my god alexia, stop!" he yelled, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to him. he pushed me to an empty class and locked the door.

"don't touch me" i said angrily.

he let go of my arm and put his hands up. i looked at him with mixed feelings, how could i want to kiss him and beat the fuck out of him at the same time?

wait, i don't want to kiss him. or i do? shit. fuck you, mattia.

"he did you wrong, he deserved it" he said, defending himself. "i did it for you"

"don't fucking play the good boy now, you didn't do it for me" i said angrily. "you took advantage of what josh did to me so you could have something more against him and release your anger towards him"

he stayed quiet, looking me in my eyes. i could see how mad he was getting, this time with me.

"you didn't do it for me, you did it for you" i said. "you're a selfish piece of shit, mattia"

he came closer to me, we were inches apart from each other. i bit my lower lip for how nervous it made me to have mattia so close to me. he looked at my lips and smirked.

"you don't think that" he whispered.

"i do" i said walking backwards so as to leave more space between the two of us, but something interrupted me, the professor's table.

mattia smirked again and leaned over to kiss me. i didn't know i could want something that bad till he kissed me. i kissed him back, pulling his body closer to mine. his hands traveled up to my waist and sat me at the table. my legs opened instantly, leaving a space, which quickly ceased to be as mattia occupied it with his body.

his tongue grazed my lower lip, asking permission to enter. and as fast as possible, our tongues were perfectly coordinated, like dancing with each other.

he then, made a way of kisses from my jaw to my neck, sucking my skin and leaving some marks that i will have for a couple weeks, maybe. his right hand was grabbing my neck, while the other one made his own way to my breasts.

the fact that we were doing this in school, where someone could see us, that we could get in trouble, excited me more. i moved my free hand, the one that wasn't playing with mattia's hair, to unbutton his trousers.

my hand went down and i started to jerk him off, moving my hand smoothly up and down. mattia growned in my ear and i smirked.

i started moving my hand faster. mattia bruied his head on my neck, leaving wet kisses all over it. "alexia..." he groaned. "im go-going to uhh"

when he was almost finished i stopped, i took my hand out of his trousers. he looked at me, out of breath and confused. i smiled teasing him, and i whispered:

"see you later, mattia"

i walked out of the class with a big smile on my face, made my way to my locker and then, to my bio class.

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