High in love with a werewolf

57 17 31

Well hello there. 33 votes? 102 reads!? Thank you. Now meet my dear friend LG9416 Who is the writer of the still not completed "High in love with a werewolf". It's an awesome book! It's not the typical vampire highschool or werewolf kidnaps a highschooler book, It's actually good. I am not the one to read supernatural books but this is different and I like it and I recommend it to you. Plus the Vampire is definitely hot so.

Now, I thought that I could make the book some covers and here I am at 3:00 am posting at leat 19 covers 😂, like always I have divided them. If you LG9416 Don't like any then it's totally your choice to use them or not. If you want any changes of any sort then just PM me or comment, If you didn't like any then just tell it to me, I don't think it's rude. And thanks for letting me make you a cover.






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