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|| dec 4, sunday ||


the sun crept through the small, oval-shaped window above the bed in choi beomgyu's room. it poured into the room in yellow-white colored rays, dancing in stripes. the birds chirped loudly outside, singing a wake-up song for the neighborhood. their tweets woke beomgyu up from his sleep, like his own personal alarm clock.

beomgyu sat up and stretched his hands up over his head. a sigh of contention escaped his mouth as he felt his joints relax. his slender arms fell back down as he rolled his head back and yawned. he smacked his lips to moisten his dry mouth.

he threw his legs off of his bed and ripped the blanket off of him. running a hand through his hair, he pulled up his blinds to let the sunlight soak into his skin. beomgyu took in a deep breath and smiled, mornings like these was what kept him going.

beyond the houses in front of his, there were hills for millions of miles. beomgyu felt lucky to live on the outskirts of the town, because he got to wake up to views like these.

the sun was 3/4 over the rolling hills. it bloomed on the horizon, it's golden petals stretching out into the rich violet. it's warm beams wanting to make itself heard. this is the flower, the invitation of a new day, new chances, new decisions. beomgyu barely noticed when the sun was finally fully risen, when the sky was filled with shades of orange and pink, because he was too mesmerized by the beautiful world he lived in.

he was suddenly shaken out of his enchantment when the loud speakers went off, signifying that all residents must get ready for the day. the next announcement would be that all residents must walk to the breakfast hall. beomgyu sighed and pushed himself into the bathroom.

his brother, jaegyu, was already washing his face when beomgyu walked into the small bathroom they both shared. barely any light came in the bathroom, since there were no windows.

"good morning, jaegyu." beomgyu said as standard protocol. jaegyu returned the phrase, "good morning, beomgyu. did you sleep well?" they were still following the standard wake-up procedure. they could barely talk to each other regularly, everything they said was recorded. beomgyu had gotten used to it.

beomgyu turned the hot water on and let his hands relax under the steady stream coming out of the faucet. he sighed and began rubbing his face, getting rid of the built up dirt and grime from the night before. he dried his face and walked back into his room.

residents of the town had to wear white. if you didn't, you were warned. three warnings and you were put into one of the cellars for a day. the punishments built up until eventually you were given the chair. beomgyu was deathly afraid of those punishments, so he was very obedient. one of the most well-behaved citizens, actually. it was on his résumé.

he put on a white button-up shirt, with white slacks. the sleeves fell down to his wrists in pretty pleated patterns. his slacks were cuffed just below the knee. beomgyu looked in the mirror and began to comb through his messy black hair. once his hair was as smooth as silk, he placed his comb on his vanity and continued to fix his hair furthermore.

he then put on his white vans and began to make his bed while waiting for the next announcement. beomgyu pulled the light pink duvet cover over his white pillows and smoothed the sheets out. he neatly placed a folded, thin, white throw blanket on the bottom left corner of his bed. the black haired boy then placed his best friend since childhood, a teddy bear named honey, on the bed, making sure she was nice and cozy.

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