Prologue ~ Part 2 ~ Training.

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Mist her eyes widened with concern. "What?" She asked. "Don't tell me you're going at it again!"
Ike gave her a comforting smile. "Just until I land a single blow. I'm not giving up until I can get one good hit on father." He told her.
Greil smiled as he turned back to his son. "I like your resolve, Ike. But it takes more than a strong will to-..." he slowly trailed off as he heard footsteps approach. "Hm..?" He mumbled as he turned around to see a green haired boy running up to them.
"Aha! I knew I'd find you here!" The boy exclaimed.
Mist turned to the green haired boy with a smile. "Hi, Boyd. What brings you here?" She asked.
"Nothing special." Boyd answered as he turned back to Mist. "You said you were going to get the boss, but you never came back. I got picked to check up on you." Boyd explained.
Mist gasped a bit. "Oh! Sorry. I got caught up with Ike and my father." She explained.
"It's nothing." Boyd said with a smile. "Besides, I figured I'd get a good laugh watching Ike get worked over by the boss." He said, his bright green eyes filled with amusement. He turned to the blue haired boy. "You... Look fine. What happened?" He asked.
Ike gave a shrug. "Nothing at all." He said calmly. "I'm sorry to disappoint you."
"You just missed it!" Mist exclaimed excited. "Just a minute ago, he was out cold!"
Ike quickly turned to his little sister with an angry look. "Mist!" He said sternly as Mist burst out laughing.
"You came in just the right time, Boyd." Greil said as he turned to the green haired boy. "You can be Ike's sparring partner."
"What? Me?" Boyd asked as the smile faded from his face.
Greil simply nodded. "I'm beginning to think it would be better if he sparred with someone closer to his own skill." He explained.
Ike nodded. "I understand." He said and turned back to the green haired boy. "Thanks for your help, Boyd." He said.
Boyd let out a snort. "I don't know about this 'closer to his skill' business but I'm ready!"
"You can do it! Boyd's got nothing! Take him out!" Mist called to her big brother as he got ready to fight.
Boyd didn't look very amused by that. "'Nothing?' I don't have nothing!" He exclaimed. "I mean, I have- I mean... Let's just fight!" He called.
Mist couldn't help but laugh a little by his comment.
"Enough chit chat." Greil told them. "Come on, get ready." He ordered.
Both Ike and Boyd nodded as they got ready to fight.
Boyd grabbed a wooden axe as Ike grabbed his wooden sword. Ike was very motivated from the lost fight with his father. This time, he felt like he had to prove himself. He gave Boyd all he had. Eventually, Boyd lost balance and fell on the ground. "That- That wasn't... Too bad..." Boyd said slowly as he got up again.
"Boyd, you're such a loser." Mist said as she started laughing.
Boyd turned to her with an annoyed look. "Shut up!"
Greil stopped him. "Good work, Boyd. That's enough." He said calmly.
Boyd nodded with a sigh. "Alright." He said calmly. He walked away from Ike as the fight was over.
Greil turned back to his son. "Your swordsmanship was decent enough, Ike. Don't forget how it felt. It won't always be this easy."
Ike nodded. "I know."
"Good. Now that you're done warming up, it's time to face me again." His father said as he reached down to grab his wooden sword.
Ike gave a slight smirk. "I was hoping you'd say that."

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