They ended up spending $75.83.

"So a bit over budget." Daniel laughed once they all got in the car.

"Well, Jack just had to buy that little flower jacket for Lav..." Corbyn started.

"It was freaking adorable, okay?!" Jack shouted playfully.

"It's not even the same flower! That one had a pansy on it, not a lavender sprig!" Corbyn shouted back.

"I'M TRYING TO DRIVE, SO SHUT THE HELL UP!" Daniel screamed over the bickering.

"I don't even remember what we spent it on.." Zach said from shotgun.

"Dumb stuff. Now we have to go set up the prank!" Corbyn smiled, excited for what would come.


Jonah was so happy, he could finally leave the studio after being stuck there for hours on end. He couldn't wait to go home and cuddle up with a warm cup of tea and a blanket, maybe put on a movie with his friends.

His head had started hurting a bit more, but it wasn't intolerable yet. He'd probably just take some aspirin for it later.

As he drove home, his head started pounding more and more by the minute. By the time he was home, Jonah's head was killing him.

Every time he blinked, it felt like glass shards were poking at his retinas. If Jonah had wanted to cry back at the studio, now he wanted to literally die. Over dramatic, but fitting to the situation.

As he walked into the house, it was eerily quiet. With a house full of rowdy young men, that's never a good sign. But Jonah was in too much pain to care.

The eldest walked into the kitchen, trying to find the pain meds, before remembering they were upstairs.

Jonah groaned at the thought of having to walk upstairs, and more so of moving in general. Nevertheless he climbed upstairs, and to the bathroom.

"Corbyn, where's the Advil?" Jonah called, making his head hurt worse.

Jonah sighed when he didn't hear a response. "Daniel? Jack?" The boys weren't home.

"ZACH NO!" Daniel screamed through the store, right before Zach plucked a  toilet paper package from the bottom of a huge stack, and sent the whole arrangement tumbling down.

"...Cleanup in aisle three?" Zach stood in the midst of white towel rolls, only one in his hands.

"This is aisle seven dumbass," Jack groaned. "Now pick up the towels and put them back!"

"Shit..." Corbyn mumbled, looking down at his phone. He had just gotten a twitter notification saying Jonah had tweeted something.

Hey guys
Not feeling too well today, think I have a fever...

"Guys, Jonah's sick." Corbyn said, but nobody else heard him. I'll tell them later he thought.

Jonah couldn't tell if it was him that was freezing, or the air. Either way, he was cold.

Jonah's POV
It had come to a point where I could barely stand up without some form of tears coming to my eyes.

My head hurt so bad, and for once I was glad the sun wasn't out.

I had tweeted about my dilemma, as all celebrities should, and afterwards had crawled into my bed to try and calm down the monster in my skull.

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