"My beta hasn't found his mate yet." Xavier said in an amused tone.

"Oh great," Rye said a bit breathless. She hated stairs and these stairs seem to go on forever. Of course Xavier looked as if he was practically floating up the stairs. "He'll probably find his mate in my best friend or in one of my little sisters." She rolled her eyes.

"And then what happens?" Xavier slowed his pace to match his mate.

"Then you and I overcome some hurdle in our relationship and I realize this is what I want and we end up having many children and living happily ever after." Just as Rye finished her sentence, she realized what she had said. A bit embarrassed she looked over to Xavier to find him smirking.

"I like these books," he said.

"Yeah, so do 13 year old." Rye stopped on a step behind Xavier and looked up at his tall physique. God, he was handsome.

Too bad it's not going to work out between us, Rye thought as she waited for Xavier to lead her to her room.

The room was bigger than most apartments in New York City. it was lavishly furnished with a canopy bed and ensuite bathroom. Xavier had left Rye to herself for her to get settled in.

But there wasn't much for Rye to do alone in the room. She didn't bother unpacking anything and spend the time laying in bed thinking about her options. She could accept Xavier and live with him here in Romania. But that would mean giving up on her dreams of becoming a doctor, traveling the words freely without having to worry about having guards or an overprotective mate. Not to mention she was sure all Xavier really wanted was to produce some heirs and be done with it. He was the king, he didn't have time to be the kind of partner Rye wanted.

The alternative was playing along with Xavier for the next two weeks and then taking that car back to the airport faster then leaves fall in autumn.

Rye's thoughts were disturbed by a loud knock at the door. She walked across the room and opened it to find Xavier. He had changed into a black sweater and some dark jeans. He looked really young suddenly.

"Lunch is ready," He said offering Rye his arm.

She hesitated slightly, only because she was starting to like the way her body hummed when they touched.

"Lead the way," Rye said taking a step behind Xavier to avoid his offer.

Xavier signed internally before leading them to the west wing. He watched Rye closely as they entered the room.

He watched the way she tilted her head back to admire the glass ceiling and the chandeliers. He watched the way her full lips parted slightly in awe and the way her curls swayed with her body.

Xavier's palm burned to touch her. He wanted to dive his hands into her hair and tug at it ever so slightly as he tasted her lips and skin. He wanted to clear the table and lay her down to show her just how good he could make her feel. He wanted to leave that smart mouth of her speechless.

Patience, Xavier thought. He had to be patient. He waited 200 years. A few more days was nothing.

Sensing his burning gaze, Rye turned to Xavier slowly. The lust was clear as day in his eyes and she could feel the heat radiating off of him. The air between them grew thick and heavy.

Rye rolled her eyes as she muttered, "Stupid bond."

Xavier smirked before stepping forward to join her, "This room use to be a greenhouse before it was turned into a dining area."

"It's beautiful here," Rye admired, "I bet it's even better when it snows."

"Yes, it's really beautiful."

"Do you live here alone?"

"Yes, it's just me and my staff most of the time."

"Doesn't it get lonely?"

"Paperwork keeps me busy."

Rye rolled her eyes, "You have this beautiful house and you spend your time doing paperwork?"

Xavier didn't know what to say, so he shrugged, "What else is there to do?"

"I don't know," Rye said, "I don't know your life, I can't say what you do for fun."

"There isn't much time for fun."

"You know you're not really selling this life," Rye walked over to the table where a mouthwatering lunch was waiting for them.

"I am being honest." Xavier pulled out a chair for her.

"I guess you've done it all," Rye said as she took a seat, "You've been around since the age of the dinosaurs."

Xavier laughed suddenly, making Rye's heart flutter, "I'm not that old."

Rye didn't know if she could continue talking without her voice fluttering like her heart.

The two fell into a quiet silence as they shared a meal.

"What do you like to do to entertain yourself?" Xavier asked.

"Well," Rye pondered. What was the most unattractive thing Rye could think of? "I like to challenge myself and see how many cheese balls I can eat before I throw up."

Xavier looked at Rye with concern.

"My current number is 8,943." Rye said with a straight face.

"That can't possibly be good for you," Xavier said.

"Yeah, I should really stop, seeing how I'm lactose intolerant, it doesn't usually end well."

"Any other hobbies?" Xavier asked, "Other then extreme eating."

"Nope," Rye said taking a bit of her garden pasta. "What about you? You ever try extreme eating?"

Xavier thought for a second, "Well, there was one time when Basil and I drank for eight day straight in New Orleans during Mardi gras."

"What happened?" Rye asked.

"Basil ended up waking up in Tennessee somewhere and I was hungover for the next whole month."

"I thought Lycans can't get drunk,"

"It wasn't mundane alcohol," Xavier explained, "It was pixie brew. One drop of that stuff can kill an ordinary man."

"I would like to try some!"

"No, absolutely not." Xavier said sternly.

"Don't tell me what to do," Rye narrowed her eyes, "I should have seen this coming."


"You!" Rye waved a fork at Xavier, "Thinking you can tell me what to do. So typical and predictable."

"It's that another cliche from those books you read?" Xavier asked a bit amused.

"I don't read them," Rye said, "Anymore."

"So you enjoy reading?"

"Yeah, I do," Rye popped a cherry tomato in her mouth, "I know, right? So typical."

"I think it's unique," Xavier reached out without thinking too much and whipped the corner of Rye's mouth, "I have never met a bookworm that can eat 8,940 cheese balls."

Rye's body hummed like a bee hive as she breathlessly said, "8,943 cheese balls." 

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