Chapter 15: Tears never run dry

Start from the beginning

We observed her. I watched her. I could see her eyes widen with fear, her lips and body quivering as if she were cold. Her breathing was heavy, her skin pale as snow. Beads of sweat were on her forehead.

She was shaking so much, i had only to think she were sick. But i was wrong. The rain let loose, and came down heavily. She still sat there, her hair becoming soak and sticking to her face. Seeing her like this...made me.....

...made me......

..........My world shattered.

I came out from under the tree's shelter, the rain taking me victim. When she saw me, her eyes were empty, yet they managed to fill with water that was not from the rain. I ran to her, my hand outstretched.

"LUCY!" i called, fearing the worst.

She didn't reply, just got up...and ran. She dropped her scarf, as it got dirty with mud and got soaked with water. I ran behind her, ignoring the calls from the rest of her team.

"LUCY STOP!" I yelled. I knew.

I was done for. She knew.

She found out!

Her hair, now wet, became loose from their pigtails and flowed. I could see her get tired, yet she struggled to get away from me. It was the end. I caught up to her, pulling her towards me and embracing her tightly.

I rest my head on hers, as i let my own tears stream down mixing with the rain as it hit us. She tried to pull away, though. Her sobs became heavy, as she collapsed to the ground. Her eyes, although wide, still were empty.

I tried to calm her down, my head still above hers.

"Shh, Lucy....please relax...." i whispered.

"" she replied, her voice hoarse, "Get lied to me."

That confirmed it. She really did find out. How, i have no idea. I had a lump in my throat. I caressed her cheek, shaking my head..not knowing what to say.

I can't believe you let her find out........he said.

"Lucy i'm so sorry, i can't explain to you how much i want to take it all back...." i said, my voice breaking up thanks to my stupid tears.

"You idiot! You ruined everything for me! Now what am i to do? I thought you and i just met, but it memory is fucking back! And i know! All those times we shared, you discarded it and made us start all over!" she yelled, breaking away from me and standing up.

She was no longer shaking with fear, her tears no longer of sadness, but that of anger and regret. Lucy had clenched her fists, furiously wiping her tears away. And to think she would actually swear....

"Wait, Lucy---"

"Shut up! Just shut up! You traitor.....You traitor......" she said, murmuring her words, and glaring at me.

"Please Lucy!"

"Don't make me shut you up!" she yelled. The thunder rolled above us, lightning striking a tree. I was beginning to silence myself. If i said anything more.....she would actually do me harm. Thanks to her finding out, she is resorting to insane things. Lucy would never hurt someone on purpose.

"I love you, you know?" i said, slapping myself mentally. It's the potion's work! I just said something out of the blue like that?!

"Are you deaf?" she asked.

"I don't care if you hate me, your hate is not strong enough to change my feelings about you. If i must leave to make you happy, so be it. If i must die to make you happy, so be it. If i must destroy the world to make you happy, so be it! But i will not give up!" i said, determination filling me. WHAT THE FUCK YOU STUPID TRUTH POTION LUCY WILL SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF ME.

Silence, you peasant Sting. Let the smart you do something for once.....said a voice. It's him! The other me! And how dare he call me a peasant? Psh.

"Lucy, i know i did you wrong. I know that saying sorry isn't going to work, but do you know how much apart we would be right now if i had told you? If i had spoke to you earlier about all this, you would think i was just another guy hired by Fairy Tail to coax you. I didn't want to take that chance. Lucy, i was willing to give up our entire past together, just so i could spent another day with you!" i exclaimed, finally telling her something i wasn't.

Hey! What do you mean by that 'another day' thing?!

Lucy's eyes had confusion, yes i expected that.

"You heard me, Lucy. You have your memories, right? Did you really think i was just stabbed and came back here? Life is not so easy. It hurts just to be with you, wasting time away arguing when i have to spend the remaining time i have left." i said, lowering my voice. The thunder roared again, getting on my nerves.

"What are you talking about?" she whispered.

"I'll tell you the truth, the second secret. I'm sorry, this truth is something i should have told you earlier, before we even got together." i said.


"I'm dead, Lucy. I'm a dead man. I am not.....i am not alive."

Her eyes widened. I told her.

The real truth, something no one else knew about.



It's not ending, i did that on purpose. See ya next chapter, ya?

LMFAO I feel like i'm Hiroshima's trollside. Lol. Sorry, not even a preview! I can't even.


And no, it's not that i was tired i did something like this. I did this because i was having fun writing this!

NEXT CHAPTER: Ruined memories

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