Chapter Three: Obstacle

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The school day ended without much incident, and Hamster muffin headed home. He tried to Google more information about Gilbert, but no luck. Disappointed, Hamster muffin went to bed.

Uh oh, stinky! Uh oh, stinky! Uh oh, stinky!

Hamster muffin's morning alarm went off, causing him to awaken. He let the beautiful stinky melody to play a few seconds longer before turning it off and getting out of bed.

The morning routine was as per usual. He got ready for school and his mom drove him there.

Hamster muffin walked to his first class of the day - Honors World History. He had this class with Dirk, so he could ask him if he found anything.

Hamster muffin arrived and took his seat next to Dirk.

"So, have you found anything relating to Gilbert? Anything at all?" he asked him.

Adauchi shook his head, "No. I think you might've just been dreaming, Hamster muffin. I don't think he's real."

Hamster muffin grit his teeth and mumbled, "he is real. He is real and I'll prove it."

Hamster muffin and Dirk didn't talk much through the rest of the period, and not much happened in Hamster muffin's next class, either. Wanting to go home and regretting waking up, Hamster muffin walked to the cafeteria to sit with dumb and dumber.
And Fred.

Hamster muffin took his seat, dropping his backpack on the floor. Fred sat next to him, followed by Emalf, and Dirk was the last to join the group.

"Hey Fred," Hamster muffin said, "who are you hoeing with today?"

"I'm not a hoe! Just stop it with that!" Fred exclaimed angrily, "All I want is a sugar mommy to fund my foot cleaning business! Is it that hard to understand?!"

"Yeah," Emalf said with a chuckle.

Dirk sipped his strawberry milk, then smirked, "I mean, I am a huge fan of feet, but like... The stinky smelly kind are the best. Leave them dirty."

Everyone at the table immediately went criss-cross-applesauce on their chairs.

After around a minute of awkward silence, Hamster muffin sighed angrily, "Ew! I have Chester class today! Kill me!"

"Sucks to be you!" Emalf laughed.

The three of them touched their pointer fingers together as the bell rang, and they all departed to go to their respective classrooms. Hamster muffin stood in the line outside his classroom, next to Chester. Chester looked up from reading Phanfiction to grin at Hamster muffin.

"I know who he is."

"What?" Hamster muffin looked at Chester, confused.

"Gilbert. He visited me in my dream last night, too. I won't let you have him. He's too sexy to be with someone like... Like you," Chester scoffed.

Hamster muffin was suddenly overwhelmed with rage, whipping out his pink switchblade from his pocket. "BITCH! I WON'T LET YOU! GILBERT IS MINE! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A USELESS OBSTACLE TO ME!"

Hamster muffin plunged the knife deep into Chester's gut, causing her to double over in pain and blood run out of her mouth. Hamster muffin kicked her to the floor, climbing on top of her and repeatedly thrusting the knife deep into Chester's body. Into her eyes, her throat, her torso, until her body was unrecognizable. Once he was satisfied, he climbed off of her body, panting.

The students and teachers were staring in horror, in disbelief to what Hamster muffin had just done to his fellow peer.

One student began to scream, and as soon as she did, she stopped, her mouth still remaining wide open.

Hamster muffin tilted his head in confusion for a few seconds, until he realized everyone was in fact not in shock, but frozen in time. Blood had stopped pooling around Chester's disfigured body. No one was running. No one was screaming. No one was moving.

Hamster muffin felt a gentle breeze from behind him and turned around, only to be met by the crotch-level of a tall, dark, and handsome figure. Hamster muffin's eyes traveled upwards until his eyes met upon the face he had grown to crave. Hamster muffin could feel his face growing hot and red. The figure seemed amused, taking hold of Hamster muffin's chin with a shadowy hand and lifting it up slightly.

"You have passed the test. Well done, knife-person."

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