~ antonio's investigation

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Chicago, Illinois

Current Time - 9:10am

Gabriela Dawson - Gabby or Gabriela
Cate - Mom
Matthew Casey - Matt or Casey
Antonio Dawson - Antonio or Dawson
Chief Boden - Chief or Boden
Kelly Severide - Kelly or Severide
Erin Lindsay - Erin or Lindsay
Stella Kidd - Stella or Kidd

Notes - Stella and Kelly are together, first relationship after Shay's death. (Fire #stellaride)
Erin and Antonio are together (PD #lintonio)


"Hey hun, you feelin' alright?" Maggie asked.

I nod gingerly, making sure not to hurt myself, as I was only out of surgery 9 hours ago.

"Alright babe, the cops wanna talk to you." She says as Antonio and Erin walk through the door.

"Oh those cops.." I say laughing.

Antonio walks up and hugs me tightly and I see Erin smiling over Antonio's shoulder and I return the expression.

"Antonio, surely your not allowed to be part of this Investigation." I ask.

"Nah sis, it's a one off." He replies

I nod and laugh.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"We're looking at the collision, and from past records of this guy and the evidence we think it could be a potential suicide attempt. But just so you know, it definitely wasn't yours or Charley's faults." Says Erin.

I begin paying more attention as I wasn't really beforehand.

"Alright?" I say.

"Yeah, so we need a statement from you." She continues.

"Of what happened? I mean. It all happened so fast, I had my seatbelt off and I-" Antonio cuts me off.

"Are you crazy? I nearly lost my sister because she was too lazy to put on a seatbelt? You were going 45mph. God Gabby, do you know how lucky you are? You flew through the windscreen, suffered a full blown head trauma, an embedded wound! What else do you want?" He says firmly.

"I. I'm sorry Antonio but as Erin has stated it wasn't our fault. So stop complaining." I say.

I can't believe my brother just reprimanded  me in front of his girlfriend.

"Anyways, I didn't finish. It was either a suicide attempt or a homicide. Have you or Charley got any enemies? Ones that would be willing to kill you?" Erin asks.

"Uh no. I don't think so, but how did they know we were there." I reply.

"Like she said Gabby, we don't know what happened yet. That might not be the case, but we aren't sure yet. Just bare with us."  Antonio exclaims while shaking his head.

"Alright." I say.

Erin turns and leaves out the door and Antonio stays.

"I'm sorry sis, but I don't even know what I'd do without you." Antonio states.

Tears build up in my eyes, I'm fighting them back as hard as I can.

Gabriela Dawson. (Chicago Fire) Where stories live. Discover now