Chapter 3

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You are useless...

"Emm... "

No one needs you...

" no... "

You shouldn't be born in the first place...


" ARGHH!! " Len jolted up as he hits his forehead onto something.

" OUCH! My KNEE! " Len looks up and sees a boy holding his knee, hopping around.

" Ouch...? Kaito-nee?! Why are- " Len questioned as he pats his forehead, seeing both Meiko and Miku. Then he looks at his right and sees the sleeping Rin.

" Isn't this normal for the VOCALOIDs to visit the backstage before the concert begins? " Kaito cries.

" Len-kun? Are you ok? " Miku bends down and asks Len who is sitting on the floor right now.

" You were mumbling and suddenly screaming during your sleep... did you have a nightmare? " Meiko asks. Len uses his shirt and wipes away the cold sweat from his face.

" I- I'm fine... " Len faked smiles and exhales. Both Miku and Meiko look concerned until Kaito speaks up, " why is Rin-Chan sleeping right now? Normally she should be jumping around and be excited... "

" Shh... speak softer... " Len whispers as Kaito covers his mouth, " she's sick, and she's having a fever right now... she kinda 'survived' from the rehearsal but it's hard for her to dance and sing at this condition... "

" Oh no... that's bad! The concert is going to be lasting for 2 hours! " Miku looks worried and Meiko wraps her arm around Miku's shoulders.

" Can't Len-kun just do solo? " Kaito asked.

" Stupid-Kaito! There're only 15 minutes before the concert. Everything should be set up already... " Meiko explains as Kaito makes a sly smile.

" hmm... that's possible for tomorrow's concert...? " Len whispers to himself and seems like no one else hears him. " um? " Len feels someone pulling his shirt, he looks around and sees Rin awake.

" I'm going to be fine so let's get prepared for the concert! " Rin smiles at Len as she gets up and takes off her jacket, " And thanks for coming, Meiko-ne, Miku-ne, and Kaito-nee! " Rin smiles and looks away from everyone, walking out of the room, " Come on let's go, Len! "

" oh... " Len nods as he follows Rin, looking concerned. ' She's lying... ' He looks back into the room and sees Meiko, Miku, and Kaito waving at them.

" I guess we should go to the auditorium now... " Meiko suggested as the other nods and leave the room.


At the backstage, everyone is preparing for the concert that'll begin in 5 minutes. At the moment, both Rin and Len are sitting on the chair and resting. " Rin, are you ready? " Len looks at his right and sees Rin who is sitting next to him.

" Len... " Rin leans over to Len's shoulder. Len shocked, He slowly places his hand on Rin's forehead, ' oh no... isn't this even hotter than just now? Her fever is getting worse... '

Len, you are useless...

'No... ' Len remembers his dream. His body is shaking, he clenches his fists, not knowing what to do to help Rin.

" Rin... I'm sorry... I'm useless... I can't even let you rest when you are sick. " Len utters. Rin sits immediately after hearing what Len said, looking shocked. Len looks down at the floor and bits his lips.

Kagamine Love " LenxRin "Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя