Chapter 14 - The Wake of Poseidon

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   "WAIT, DO-"

   His phrase was cut off as Diavolo reappeared behind Jade, having erased time to get an advantage.

   He swung at the back of his head. As Doppio watched them from a distance, he saw Diavolo and Jade switching positions in the blink of an eye, and Diavolo fell face-first to the ground as he got hit on the back of the head by Jade's stand.

   "NO, BOSS!"

   Doppio ran towards Diavolo, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him away from Jade as quickly as he could. Miraculously, Diavolo was still conscient and breathing.

   "What... what was that? What just happened?"

   "I don't know exactly Boss, but don't just attack him like that!"

   "Your vision... did you not see me defeating him on your vision?!"

   "I did, but something strange happened... what I saw happening to him happened to you instead!"

   Jade began to clap slowly, hearing the conversation.

   "Bravo, bravo, you observed quite well, Vinegar Doppio."

   They looked at him, staring in raging silence.

   "But you will need much more than simple observations to even have a chance of surviving me...

...and my Wake of Poseidon."

   Diavolo stared at Jade with eyes wide open, terrified.

   "Wake... of Poseidon... can we even beat this..."

   He felt hopeless, having taken a beating almost as bad as the one from Gold Experience Requiem a long time ago. Doppio slapped his face, and he came to his senses.

   "Don't give up now, Boss! There's gotta be a way to overcome him..."

   They stood in silence for a while, before Jade began to approach them, slowly.

   "I can attack you myself if I need to, you know?"

   Doppio was starting to panic but held his position. He began whispering to Diavolo.

   "Boss, BOSS, look at me! You got to strike him as he comes!"

   "But it won't matter, we will just switch anyw-"

   "Just do it! I'll figure something out."

   Diavolo looked at him with tired eyes.

   "Trust me, Boss."

   He closed his eyes and nodded.

   Jade was getting closer, Wake of Poseidon by his side and ready to attack.

"Think, Doppio, THINK! How can we counter this?"

     Jade was now two meters away from them.

"He switches places with others... how can we beat that, none of our stands can beat that! The two of us can't..."

   Jade was a meter away.

"The two of us..."

   Jade was now near them, ready to strike.


   Hearing confirmation from Doppio, Diavolo attacked, instantly, Jade used Wake of Poseidon to switch with him, turning the attack against Diavolo. Before the it could hit its target, Jade was immediately hit hard on the face by Doppio, who punched him while throwing all the weight of his body in the attack. Jade was startled for a moment and seemed confused, and Diavolo watched Doppio, also confused.

In the Court of the Blind KingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz