whoops I'm gay.

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The boy tore through Cody's drawers, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration. He was determined to find what he wanted, or maybe it was more the idea of annoying Cody and winning his attention that Junior was after, rather than actually finding the aforementioned "doll jail". Nonetheless he scrambled through Cody's things placed carefully in his drawers with pure reckless abandon.

Cody strolled into the room with a sigh, glancing at the mess Junior had made in his room. He had especially tidied up for Junior's visit, but of course he didn't expect it to stay that way upon his arrival so it came to no surprise for him. It was much too early on in the boy's get together for Junior to already be tiring him out with his childish behaviour, despite the fact that Cody expected nothing less from the redhead.

"Eugh.. Junior.."
Junior looked up in shock from the floor where he was sat, not knowing Cody was standing next to him.

"What, Cody? You can't just say something like "doll jail" and think i'm not gonna try and look for it!"
Cody averted his eyes with clenched teeth, not expecting Junior to understand what he was about to make him aware of,
"It's not that Junior, make all the mess you want,"
He stated with a slight red tint creeping up on his cheeks, it was true, he couldn't care less if Junior made a mess as long as it reminded Cody of him.
"I just don't want you finding anything that you... uh.."
The redhead suddenly paused his frantic searching, Cody's awkward explaining having grabbing his attention. He stood up to be level with him, a puzzled expression on his face,
"Finding what, Cody?"
Junior questioned further, but Cody only shrugged with a blush in response, walking away to sit on the side of his bed, dangling his legs over the side and making sure to keep his eyes to the ground, allowing Junior to continue his search. He figured that maybe if Junior found something he didn't want to know about, then it might stop him from looking through Cody's room and the two could do something else together.

Junior shook his head in confusion and leant down to continue searching through the other boy's drawers. He couldn't help but notice that Cody had so many clothes in varying colours and styles folded neatly amongst the many other things in his drawers, much different to his usual outfit of a blue sweater and jeans. Junior couldn't stop his mind from wandering to the thought of Cody wearing something else, and how he would look. The redhead stopped his searching for a moment and turned to face his friend who was still sitting on his bed.

"Cody," Junior began, holding up a blue and black striped sweater and some black denim jeans, "How come you have all these clothes but always wear that stupid nerd outfit?"

"It's not a nerd outfit, Junior!" The boy protested, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment,
"I just don't look good in anything else so i don't wear it, my mom just buys me those clothes."

Junior looked down at the sweater and jeans, a thought crossing his mind as he did,
"Wear them." He demanded, throwing them at Cody, who didn't catch them.
"Please wear them, I wanna know if you look like less of a dumb nerd in other clothes."
An obvious excuse, but Junior couldn't tell him that he was genuinely curious about how Cody would look wearing something new, that would just sound..
"But no homo, right?" Junior asked with an awkward smile.

Cody's face crumpled in confusion,
"How would that be.." he trailed off, noticing Junior's embarrassment as the boy turned back to continue searching through the drawers.
"Ugh.. whatever then, Junior, I guess I have no choice if you're gonna be like that.."

Cody picked up the clothes he failed to catch, turning to leave for the bathroom to change.
"Wait Cody!" Junior called, his voice slightly shaking with uncertainty,
"A-Aren't you getting changed in here?"

Junior's comment grabbed his attention, and suddenly turning around to face him, Junior was met with a far more flustered version of his friend than he was just moments ago,
"Wh..Why would I do that?.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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