"I'm game." Louis nods, beginning to pack up his things. "I just have to go get my card from our room."

"I have to get mine as well." I say, putting my textbook and notebook back into my messenger bag.

"I'll follow you guys." Liam waits for us to leave, and then the three of us head out of the library and toward Louis and my's dorm.

"Are you guy's going to be at practice tomorrow?" Liam asks, making light conversation, and bless him. No awkward silences to be found... Yet.

"Duh." Louis snorts. "Why wouldn't we be? We're starters."

"Lots of people aren't going to be there, because of the dance at Saint Ursula's." Liam explains.

"Bro, we gay. Why would we go to the girl's school dance?"

Liam laughs loudly, and I just shake my head at Louis. "Niall isn't though, but fair enough." I love being in the closet. "The only other person I know that's staying for practice is Harry."

Because Harry's probably gay too. Like me. I wonder if Liam knows. "Didn't get a date?" I ask.

"Harry wasn't interested in Claire's friend. I tried to get him to go with her, but he kept saying he wasn't interested."

"I bet if she had put on lipstick he would have been all over that." I say under my breath.


Shit, he heard me. "It's a joke, never mind."

Liam gives me a look. "Right..."

We reach my dorm room, and Louis unlocks our door. Thankful for the distraction from the almost awkward conversation, I bolt into the room and rummage around for my wallet. Louis grabs his bag, and sets his backpack down on the dresser.

"Let's go!" Louis' smile is wider than the Cheshire Cat's, and I roll me eyes. Liam leans against the wall, swinging his lanyard.


"Yeah." I nod, and we all leave, following Liam to his car. I'm curious about what kind of car he's got. I've never seen it before, but I'm picture a sleek looking black one; a Porsche, perhaps? He seems like a Porsche kind of dude.

When we reach his car, I'm surprised.

"You have a mom van."

"It's not a mom van, asshole. It's a Maserati Kubang, and it's got a boss stereo system, so don't knock it until you try it."

"You have a mom van."

Liam grimaces. "Yeah, I have a mom van."


Right now, in this moment, I am the happiest guy in the world. Writerscape just released a phone app.

I can read Lipstick Boy anywhere I want. Anywhere. No wifi needed. Life is good. Life is beautiful.

What makes it even more beautiful is that Harry has decided to label the chapters with any smut in them; this means I can still read the story, and I don't have to read any sex scenes in friend wrote. I'm still torn on that, though, as the kinks Harry promised are the kinks Harry gave. As if on cue, my phone buzzes with a notification that styleofwonder updated Lipstick Boy.

"I just don't know if this is the right style for me, you know." Louis turns to the side to look at his shoes in the full length mirror.

"They look great. Nick will love them." I offer what support I can before going back to secretly reading Lipstick Boy.

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