Day 2

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Ok so this is day 2 of this...........craziness. Today (So Far) I have gotten a present from my friend even though my B-Day isn't until next Saturday. She gave me a 6 senses gift. She also gave me a new backpack because the one I had before was breaking. She thinks I'm weird because I am writing what happens in my life. I have been listening to Can't Hold Us all day  because I'm bored. This Morning I decided to bet my friend that she can't listen to a 10 hour song for about 5 days.

My Colorgaurd Riffle hates me. I have gotten hit in the head so many times. I have hit my Jaw twice, hit my head five times, and we can't forget when I was hit in the thumb hard four times. I CAN'T EVEN POP MY KNUCKLE SO IT HURTS! 

You know when you see a picture or pictures and then you start get all kinds of fangirling.....well......

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I may have gotten into that situation

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I may have gotten into that situation........

For those of you who don't know who or where this character is from then let me tell you how GOOD of a boy he is. Hitoshi Shinso is a beautiful boy nut my friends think he is a normal boy when he's NOT! 

I'm reading how many words this has and it say like........324 words. But that is so far it isn't the final number of words because this is going to be fun.

I was in Science class watching Bill Nye and he said this is Uranus but he made it sound funny and it reminded me and my friend about the vine when the kids says " Dad. Where's my Yanus" . My friend and I died of laughter when we thought of that.

I had a test for math yesterday. And before I tell you what happened let me tell you some things.....I don't study for my math test. I also draw on my test because I'm bored. We also have a teacher that tells the entire class what score the person got. We also have a really......annoying boy in our math class. SO on with the story. So I got my test. Answered the questions. I added some drawings. Other things. I turned it in and my teacher goes "Emma did you draw all of this." In that moment I wanted to die. "Emma you got one wrong so good job." Then you hear James in the back talking. "James go sit outside and do something." Ten minutes later I go and open the door because James knocked and he game me a face that med me die of laughter

546 words

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