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☹ suicide 

march twenty- third , two thousand fourteen ; 

Luke plugged in

his phone to the small black speakers

he had in his room

and listened to the only song

that he could listen to 

the song that "she"

use to love hearing

'This is gospel for the fallen ones

locked away in permanent slumber

assembling their philosophies

from pieces of broken memories,

Oh, this is a beat of my heart,

their gnashing teeth and criminal tongues

conspire against the odds  

but they havent seen the best of us  yet,"

"If you love me let me go, 

cause these words are knives and often leave scars

the fear of falling apart

and truth be told, i was never yours."

Luke replayed those words 

in his mind

"i was never yours."

she was never his?

she always lied to him

and never told him anything

he would ask her if she wanted to come over

but she would always say she has something else to do

something better could possibly 

mean someone better? 

Luke suddenly felt angry 

he refused to say her name since

she killed herself.

He knew if he said her name

so casually,

he would fall apart. 


is anybody else infatuated by brendon bc same

daily jokes am i right ladies

what do nosy peppers do?

they get jalapeno business 

someone laugh at me pls

i swear im cooler in person 

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