A guy, I can only just hear his voice over everyone else's, kneels down next to me and moves my chestnut brown curles out of his way.

"Hey? Can you hear me?" He asks. Gently shaking me awake. He knows he can't move me it's too dangerous and common sense.

"The guy, in the car, is he ok?" I ask instead of answering him.

He gestures over to what seems like his friend and the other figure walks away, in the direction of the car.

I have a feeling he knows what he's doing, what he's talking about. From the way he's acting.

"Don't worry about him. Do you know where you are?" He asks.

"Chicago... I.. I don't know exactly. " I reply

"It's alright, what's your name?" He exclaims

"Gabby.. Gabby Dawson." I say "I'm an EMT with the CFD."

"Ok Gabby, my name is Connor, I'm a surgeon at Chicago Med. Where is the pain?" Connor questions.

"My back is killing me, my head is pounding, and my lower abdomen." I say.

Connor attempts to roll up my shirt, but is startled and stops when he hears my screams.

"Shush shush, it's alright. Did you lose consciousness?" He asks.

"Yeah.. just for a second though. I could tell. I don't know how I just knew I did. God! It hurts so much." I reply and my body tenses up as I say so.

"Alright Gabby, my friend has called 911. The ambulance and Fire Department are on the way." He says

"Ok.." I reply. I feel so lightheaded, like I'm floating, I close my eyes..

I feel so tired.. I could just fall-

"Will! We're losing her!" He screams in the opposite direction to me but it still scares me awake.

He applies some pressure to my side. It makes me wince.

"Your losing consciousness, Gabby. You've. You've got a piece of metal through your lower right abdomen. You've got a head trauma too." He says.

My eyes widen in shock.

"No. No. Oh God." I say, gobsmacked.

Metal in my side? I think to myself, I won't be able to work. I'm going to be at home for so long. At least a month! That's so long, I have to go to work. It's only a scratch surely.


I hear the sirens in the distance.

I hope it's 51 - First Shift responders.

They arrive and I can hear them all talking to each other assigning tasks. I can hear Chief Boden's voice too. I almost smile. At least I know these guys.

"Over here!" Connor shouts and gestures over I'm guessing around 3 people.

"It's Gabby Dawson, she said she's from the CFD and an EMT? She was awake and alert, but she has an embedded wound and she's losing blood and consciousness." Connor updates the crew.

"Thankyou Connor, we've got it from here." Says Brett.  I love how I can recognize their voices.

She comes closer and kneels next to me feeling my pulse as she lowers to my level. But Matt just stands there horrified.

"Gabby? It's Me, Sylvie. I'm with Casey and Severide... God, what happened?" Brett asks.

"Some Idiot collided with us, I was grabbing my purse from the backseat. I.. I.. Is Charley alright?" I reply.

Gabriela Dawson. (Chicago Fire) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя